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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 15, 2019

Platforms Played


Hands-down the best story in any video game. Very few games have made me emotional, and Red Dead 2 made me cry. One of the best open worlds in all of video games. It's a world that feels genuinely alive. I wanted to disappear into this world and there were some times that I did. There was a full one-week period in real life where I just lived in the wilderness and hunted. It was glorious.

The place this game galls apart for me is actually controlling the game. Red Dead 2 plays like a game from 20 years ago. I think the game controls like absolute shit. There is a noticeable, measurable latency when doing pretty simple tasks like jumping on a horse. The aiming feels terrible. And its use of context-sensitive button resulted in me accidentally stealing items or shooting people more times than I could count. Between the context buttons,, the horrible controls, and NPCs inexplicably walking in front of your horse in town, I committed a heinous amount of accidental crimes in this game - murder by gun, murder by horse trampling, assault, theft... you name it. This all wouldn't be terrible if any minor crime didn't result in you becoming wanted in a rather large portion of the map that could then up getting in the way of doing quests.

I loved the story, the characters, and this world so damn much; I just wish actually playing this video game was more fun and not so tedious.