Log Status






Time Played

6h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 21, 2024

Platforms Played


Rubber Bandits is the anti-Smash Bros in good and bad ways.

The gameplay is not really at all similar to Smash but it’s a good point of comparison for this kind of multiplayer experience. While Smash Bros is high-skill, highly competitive, highly customizable, and not very forgiving of skill gaps between players, Rubber Bandits is designed to be simple and easily-accessible so that players of all skill levels can jump right in and play without getting totally smoked. It makes for a fun experience with friends. I just wish there was maybe a bit more to it - like the ability to do custom games. All you can really do is pick from 8 different game modes that sometimes have fun, random modifiers and then you’re thrown into a random map. Custom modes and settings would do wonders for this game.

+ Great, easily-accessible game for players of all skill levels
+ Decent progression system that has you constantly unlocking more ways to customize your bandit
+ Fun visuals and animations

- No custom game modes or settings
- “Story” mode is pretty bad
- Frequent online MP connection issues