Log Status






Time Played

2h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 28, 2021

Platforms Played


A wonderful puzzle game that does a lot with a little.

I think the most miraculous thing about this game is there are really only a couple buttons. You move time forward, reverse time, and interact. That’s it. Yet with that simplicity they manage to do a lot of interesting stuff and have some cool puzzles that require looking closely at the entire environment and what’s changing as time moves.
The mood, music, and story of the game is lovely. Just a wonderful experience.
My only complaint is that occasionally (mainly toward the end of the game), the puzzles have some unintuitive solutions that made me go “Oh. Huh. OK…”

+ Great minimalist puzzles

- Puzzles sometimes have convoluted solutions despite the simplicity.