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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 23, 2024

First played

February 16, 2024

Platforms Played


Coming at this from several points; from when I first played Remake before playing OG FF7, Remake after OG FF7, and finally the Yuffie portion. Firstly when I played this back before I played 7 I still did enjoy it but was confused at several different points in the story and left me feeling that I had done something wrong or missed some specific context. It wasn't until I decided to play Final Fantasy 7 last year that I realized what that context was. Afterwards I deicded to explore more of the FF7 compilation. And now here I am playing this, well the Remake portion is a replay with the INTERmission DLC being new to me. Gameplay wise Remake was even better as I just got better at it, storywise is where I'm more conflicted on. As certain beats in the original happened because they served a specific purpose and here a lot of it is changed to show a different side, which on one hand makes it leff effective but also gives insight into certain characters, like Barret and President Shinra. It also leads to sections where you just slog through the game and question what you're doing and not in a fun way but a "I'd rather get to it." Similar to how Sepiroth is treated in game as he is just plastered everywhere without actually giving a reason unlike the original where he comes in and just cleanse house. Though this also adds onto the insight mentioned before as the game wants to do something different than what the original did. Speaking of something different, the INTERmission section of Intergrade is where something different is welcomed. Whilst a small adventure that Yuffie goes on and how she was in Midgar for the part where the plate falls, it was fun. Not only is she the best playable character, but also it takes what is established about Yuffie and builds onto her during this time, but also sets her up in her own right and while the end feels the need to make sure certain story aspects aren't brought up again it was a neat play. Final thoughts is that with Rebirth a few days away and knowing this is now the first in a trilogy I wonder how much of what I think of Remake will change in the future. Guess I'll know when the Unkown Journey becomes Known.