One of the best rougelites I have ever played. This game is oozing with charm and is a pretty difficult game. I love all the crazy weapons like the bullet that shoots guns. I also think it's fun that all the enemies are gun themed. I don't really have any major issues with the game, I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already.

Definitely the best Mario Party in years, although that isn't saying much. While I think this is a very enjoyable entry, it just isn't quite as good as the earlier entries in the series, but it is still a great tike with friends.

The games themselves are great, but the collection is very bare bones.

It's fine. It's pretty fun for a few minutes but isn't something I ever want to spend a lot of time on.

A fantastic collection. Each of the 4 games in this collection were entirely remade and all play and look fantastic. This collection is a great way to experience these games.


A solid game that is fun alone and with friends. It's way too similar to NSMB Wii and 2 though and feels very same. The 4th player is also forced into an easy or easier character. It's a fine game but nothing special.

It was fun for a few minutes, but there are much better platform fighters out there.

Easily my favorite Mario games, as well as one of my favorite games in general. There is no telling how many hours I have spent in this game. This game is super creative with its levels and the gravity mechanic is super fun the mess with. The atmosphere is the best in any Mario game, and the soundtrack is just beautiful. Honestly I don't have anything negative to say about this game except that Goldleaf is just Honeyhive mirrored and with a different paint job. This game is almost perfect and every Mario fan needs to play it at some point.

One of the best Mario games, easily. This game is fantastic, but just falls short of the original for me. While the levels are still very creative and having Yoshi is great, it doesn't capture the same atmosphere the original had, and also I really don't like the world map. Why are galaxies divided into "Worlds"? Other than those two issues, this game is absolutely fantastic with an amazing OST and levels. One thing I think Galaxy 2 does better than its predecessor, is that the post game is way better in this game. I can understand why many like Galaxy 2 more than Galaxy, but I just can't agree. Both are great though.

I don't know what to say besides I am not a fan of this game.

Easily the best Pokémon game in Switch, although that isn't saying too much. It is so fun to catch wild Pokémon in this game, probably the most fun it had ever been to be honest. The ability to craft items like Pokeballs is also very useful. Riding Pokémon around is a fun way to travel. This game is definitely not a looker though, the game definitely looks ugly and doesn't run the greatest, but it's still a solid game and a fun time.

Its alright, although I never really got into it. I can't play this game for more than a few minutes at a time.

The game is fine, I had some fun with it at launch. I can't play this game for too long at any given time though. I also think Zapdos can change the tide of battle way too much. You can be dominating the whole game and still lose because the other team defeated Zapdos. Skins are also way too expensive.

Its a cute little game and was fun for a bit. I enjoyed it enough but its nothing great that really needs to be played. There are much better games you could play but it is not horrible.