This was a game that existed. Its kind of funny to be honest.

I had some fun with this game until my phone broke and I lost all my stuff. I could not get it back sadly because I guess I did not have my trainer account connected to the game so I just quit playing altogether.

I had a lot of fun with this game when it existed. I am kind of sad it does not exist anymore as it was one of my favorite mobile games.

This game is just annoying, it is not even fun.

I was never really into this game despite liking other endless runners.

Very fun game with a compelling narrative and really fun gameplay. The combat is super fun and all of the bosses are fun to fight. The world is very interesting and is fun to learn about, also active time lore is a great feature, it's really convenient to just open it up at any given moment and read a little wiki blurb about a person, place, or thing. The OST is also very good as well.
This game is not flawless though, as the side quests, while excellent for world building, are not great in terms of the actual gameplay. They usually just boil down to go kill 5 wolves or go get this item. I also think that some parts of the game just feel like filler like the desert town Dalimil. I also wish the Barnabas encounters were more spread out instead of all 3 occurring within the last 7 ish hours of the game.
All in all, this is a great game that I highly recommend playing, it has issues but the good definitely outweighs the bad.

Pretty fun game with unique zones amd am excellent soundtrack. I like the special stages in this game more than Sonic 1 and 2s special stages, amd I like the time travel mechanic. The worst part of this whole game though is easily the bosses. All of the boss fights except Metal Sonic, are all absolute garbage.

I member could get into it, I would rather go play any other entry in the series.

It's just Sonic 4 again except you play as Metal Sonic.

Better than Episode I, and is a lot more visually appealing as well. I do enjoy the team moves with Tails.

I don't like the way the game looks or sounds, and the level design isn't the best and the zones themselves are uninspired. This game didn't deserve to be called Sonic 4.

Honestly a pretty fun game, I enjoyed this more than I enjoyed Clash of Clans.

I mean it's alright, it kind of just a waiting simulator half the time. I can see why people would like it but I could never get into it much, although I did play it for a while.

It's just and idle game at the end of the day but this game.has some charm to it. Idk where I got all this money from to give to a virtual beggar, and it is kinda funny to see people still give him money even after he now has a mansion

It's pretty basic in terms of combat, and the game is grindy af but it's enjoyable enough. Nothing great but it isn't terrible either.