A really odd movie tie-in, although I suppose it makes more sense than a Star Wars tie-in since Rio is actually about birds. I would rather just play regular Angry Birds though tbh.

It's Angry Birds except in space.

It's Angry Birds, not much else to say really. It was fun to play bit it's not really something I am ever just itching to play or anything

Really fun game and is one of the best Pokémon games out there. Hoenn is a great region and the Battle Frontier was an excellent addition. Hoenn also easily has the best starter set.

It's an ok time waster. The gameplay isn't anything great and the game is really grindy.

It's Angry Birds Star Wars but it's the prequels this time. It's alright

It's just Angry Birds with a Star Wars twist. It's alright

It's literally just Clash of Clans Star Wars. It plays exactly the same as Clash of Clans and does nothing to differentiate itself except for being Star Wars.

This isn't really for me. I didn't play it long, it isn't bad though.

It isn't bad and is a fun time, but I would rather just play the original Galaga

Odd game, it doesn't really feel like a Mario Party game but I wouldn't say its bad. All of the characters are fun and I like the gadgets. Only having 4 playable characters kind if sucks though but the game as a whole is definitely interesting.

Not even worth playing if you get the game for free

It's definitely a game that used to exist. I don't really know what to say about this game other than that I didn't like it too much.

One of my favorite puzzle games. This is a fun game to just play for a few minutes at a time whenever I am bored.

Fantastic game. The detail in this game is amazing, the world truly feels like a living and breathing world that could easily exist without you in it. The characters and story of this game are phenomenal and while the game is long, it doesn't overstay its welcome. I wish I didn't wait so long to play this game as it is truly a great game.