I like this game more than most. Yes it is piss easy but I had a great time with it. This was the first Pokémon game I ever owned and I loved it. Kalos is a beautiful region with a lot to see. Other Pokémon games may be better but XY holds a special place on my heart. Also Xerneas is awesome.

Good remake of Red and Blue. This is definitely the best way to experience Kanto.

I had more fun with this game than I anticipated. It's isn't better than the original game but it was fun

It's like Plants vs. Zombies but locked to mobile and filled with microtransactions.

This game taught me that all I need to do to survive a zombie apocalypse is to plant a garden.

Bland. The game actively makes you not want to enter battles as you usually lose more than you gain. The best part of the game is easily Snifit or Whiffit as it's the only part of the game with charm and character.

Honestly one of my favorite versions of Pac-Man. Also the first stage is just Legoland so I mean you can't really go wrong.

It's definitely Pac-Man and Galaga

It's Pac-Man but harder. Also the ghost have leaves on them for some reason?

It's alright. It's nowhere near as good as it's arcade counterpart. It isn't even the same game despite sharing the same name.

I lean it's alright. It's only fun if you have a few people to play it with but I feel like that was pretty obvious.

Easily one of the best versions of Pac-Man. This game has a good ost as well as tons of different stage layouts. The ghost also all having powered up forms was cool.

This is my childhood right here. I played this for hours. This game introduced me to Pacman Arrangement and Pac-Mania and I played those 2 so much.