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Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

December 9, 2022

First played

December 5, 2022

Platforms Played

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Bayonetta 2 somehow takes the groundwork from the original, something that was already very solid top to bottom, and manages to improve on the formula (somehow).

The style of the first and over-the-top action was already at an 11 in the first and yet, the second one manages to find itself at a 14 or a 15 in this department.

There is a story, technically, but I have no idea what is happening in it (and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask). It doesn't matter though, that's how good this game plays.

The controls, the fighting, the action, everything under the hood really, is at a top tier level. For how fast paced this game is and how much potential there is for poor a bad camera, controls that are unresponsive, and other things that can plague games like this, it is incredible just how tight and responsive everything is. Any time I got hit by an enemy attack, it never felt like the game was at fault for not recognizing my dodge in time. It's easily some of the most responsive controls I've played in a game like this.

The only thing that might be more impressive than the controls and mechanics is how over the top the style is in this one. The first was already incredibly stylish but this one features mechs, so like, this wins in the style department.

Bayonetta is flat out great. If these types of games are your thing, you absolutely need to play this one. The story can wash over you like it did for me and it'll still be an absolute blast.