I cannot believe this exists. This is masterful, maybe the best adventure of all time. I cannot talk enough of the sheer variety of places and ideas and most importantly, how they all interact together and are all gameplay-relevant. This hopefully lights the way for new games to go beyond the typical item-shoving and inventory-hoarding gameplay and interact with your environment. It's all set up subtle enough that you don't see it at first, but once you get just a tiny hint about what could happen, you try it, and it works. I wanna mention the log system separately because it managed to help me back into the game after months of not playing, and for a game this complex and mysterious, this is truly a feat.

Lastly, this captures the essence of the universe in a beautiful way. You can really find something like a home in the coldest place. And solving the mysteries, a lot of which we might never solve, feel like your own moon landing. In the beginning just opening a door you've been looking at for multiple rounds is a big excitement, but it pales in comparison once you reach places that you have been wondering about all the time. And it all works. A year later, I'm still in awe.

Reviewed on May 15, 2023
