It's probably the strongest Deconstruct title to date.
The choices are pretty superficial, and the game barely tries to hide it's political leanings (i mean, it is a very political game).
Though after playing their gamejam collection this game has a lot of cool callbacks to their history.
Anyway, I had a lot of fun playing this, highly recommend to give it a go.

Leagues better than the first game.
Finished it on hard, which I found the most fun to play on. A really good exclusive.

It's pretty mid tbh.
The music is boring, the mechanics are simple, and it does not give you the flow that even doom 2016 had.
Otherwise totally solid.

Fun city, fun freerunning, pretty mid story.
ultimately enjoyed it.

About as good as a Sony Exclusive can get.
A sequel in the truest of meanings - it’s basically the same game as the first 2, Celt with better graphics and new mechanics.
I’d even say that the story here is the best in series, as simple as it is.
Had a great fun beating it, the traversal is still fun.

Platinumed. I’d say it’s fun enough to have a go, but MG2 is really where it’s at.

It's okay, but did not get me invested in the story as some of the greats do. The art variety is impressive though!

A better ending to Kiryu's story than 6, but we can't really call it an ending, since Infinite Wealth is still on the way.
Still, very fun, calling this a greatest hits is appliable. Even has callbacks to Yakuza 3, gave me a chuckle.

Alright for what it is, does not overstay it's welcome.
Really fun climbing mechanics.

did not engage me that much, but is beautiful

Bosses suck, otherwise fine-ish.
Lacks good direction sometimes.

Fun for what it is.
I'd even say pretty creepy.
Kinda reminds me of the endless ladder game from 2013.

It's good.
I'd say overall way too overhyped for what it is, but it is good.
Gameplaywise i missed some of the cool interactions from Divinity 2, but we got better cutscenes and character interactions.