134 reviews liked by Tingly

number 1 most important thing about this game: why is Picky Minch the first character shown in the credits when he isn’t relevant to the story after the first 10 minutes? these are the REAL questions

Punch-Out Wii turns a flavorful cast of NES boxers to a group bursting at the seams with personality. The gameplay remains challenging yet rewarding, and there's a persistent charm to everything you encounter. While sprawling open worlds and massive multiplayer arenas have become all the rage these days, this small series of challenges remains one of Nintendo's strongest outings in history.

The fact that we never got another game after this is a crime

How this game doesn't have a port or remaster or sequel or anything yet is beyond me

I wish I could play it with a Wii Fit Balance Board, I know I'm missing the 50% of the fun with that.

Hidden gem. Didn't even know this game existed for so long, but it is incredible. It has the simplicity of the original NES game but it is polished for modern players. The perfect amount of challenge, and tons of charm in the characters. In desperate need of a port.