2 reviews liked by Tinker

I think I understand why everyone likes this game so much but unfortunately I only date within my biologic kingdom.

It's a terrific game. Fight Knight has a lot of uniqueness to it and doesn't follow gaming trends much at all, beyond a bedrock of mostly old school foundations. A dungeon crawler with combat a bit like Punch Out and God Hand, it lacks almost all now standard progression mechanics and instead focuses on the actual game you play. Difficulty ramps about linearly, not many games can claim that, and it never becomes trivially easy. The bosses are highlights and the basic framework of combat and how enemies mix and match gives a lot of variety to encounters. The different gauntlets you equip are surprisingly different from one another and provide actually different playstyles as opposed to very minor moveset reworks.

The story and characters are refreshingly without cynicism or irony. The game has that dungeon crawling foreboding nature, the feeling of isolation, along with a dramatic climax, but the primary vibe is sincere, funny, and upbeat. It feels distinctly alone among almost all modern indie games in this regard. There's a lot of gags and details in scenes, a thoughtfulness that permeates the game.

The game has a very powerful ending sequence, and it alone is worth the price to entry. There is an extensive NG+ mode that keeps escalating each cycle, with a surprising amount of tweaks and details. A first person dungeon brawler is about as original of a genre as you can get, and the rest of the game feels the same, fresh and unique. It's a completely good hearted game, that's primarily focused on fun. For me it was about 15 hours my first playthrough but I think if you enjoy the game at all you'll want to at least do NG+1, and replay it with all the different gauntlets equipped.

I highly recommend this game to just about any kind of gamer. It has high playability, it's fun, and it's memorable.