Log Status






Time Played

58h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 23, 2024

First played

February 2, 2024

Platforms Played


Wow man, just wow. I'm genuinely at a loss for words. What a masterpiece of a videogame. It completely exceeded my expectations. This is for sure my favourite Persona game.

The combat is great and as fun as ever. The music still slaps. The social links do have some stinkers among them but the majority of them are straight up the best ones in the series so that balances it out for me.

In terms of the characters. I still don't know if I like S.E.E.S. or the Investigation Team better but this cast is just amazing. The growth and development they experience throughout the game is so well executed. They're practically completely different people by the end and it's just amazing to see.

The story is straight up the best in the series. I don't want to talk about it too much further for the sake of spoilers but it's an absolute emotional roller coaster. The final month of the game especially really ties all the game's themes together in an incredibly satisfying way.

Lastly, I want to talk about the ending real quick SO SPOILERS FROM THIS POINT ONWARDS REAL QUICK

Going in I already knew the protagonist was going to die at the end. But that did not make the moment hit any less hard for me. I'm usually not the type to cry over a movie or video game. It's just not something that has ever really happened to me. I've come close though. But the ending to this game was the thing to finally do it. I just could not help myself. Everything about the ending is just perfect... From Aigis' absolutely beautiful monologue to the scenery and music. It's all left me absolutely floored.

I think I've said enough at this point. I'm so incredibly happy was finally able to experience this wild ride of a videogame. And I will for sure cherish this experience for many years to come...