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Vibinguphere completed Gears 5

1 day ago

1 day ago

Vibinguphere reviewed Dark Souls: Remastered
I played this shit on my nintendo switch after i played Sekiro and i thought it was so ass but then i played it on my PS5 and it was so much better. I love the level design of this game holy peak its so good, i do feel like it fell off around the end but idc it was still fine. The bosses were so fun and the dlc was awesome too. Nito, Ornstien and Smog, quelaag, Gwyn, Artorias, and Manus were the highlight bosses for me. The level design is so good and one of my favorites of the souls games. The lore is also pretty interesting. It feels weird and the other games feel much better but i still think it has its charm

2 days ago

3 days ago

Vibinguphere reviewed Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Miyazaki peaked at Dark Souls 3
At first i thought this DLC was super ass and it brought a single tear to my eye as i thought my glorious king was washed and i had to tell him to get out of the kitchen as he forgot how to cook. After playing and exploring the DLC i finished it and i felt like this was way better than base game elden ring. My main issue is the whole balancing with the fragments, it just felt cheap and a way to excuse the way these bosses hit like a truck, but i was on new game plus 5 however none of the bosses in base was smacking me for more than half my health. Most of the older DLC felt balanced with the base game even on NG+ so i don't know why he added the fragments.
I believe this had way better bosses than base game elden ring with its standouts for me being Messmer, Rellana, Romina and the first phase of Prime Radahn. I really liked the messmer fight and i believe its top 15 maybe top 10 boss fights in souls, I thought his one shot grab was bullshit but other than that the fight is peak. However my most anticipated boss fight, the fight i wanted to see for this dlc and was wishing for when this dlc was announced, was ruined by the second phase. Prime Radahn was a fight i dreamed about and really wanted for this dlc, but Miyazaki ruined it by inserting Miquella and making Griffith 2.0 just to remind us he likes Berserk. I had a big smile on my face when i first made it to the final boss and i saw my glorious General Radahn pull up but then Miquella shows up to turn this into Lorian and Lothric but if it was ass and my smile faded away. I love how Miquella's hair doesn't let me see the attacks that take more than half of my health. I love how the light after attacks blind me to the next attack or hit stun me into getting one shot by an attack. I love how this fight has two nukes for me to worry about. I love how radahn shoots out quick afterimages that lead to an end attack that takes all of my health. 10/10 W Second phase.
The new weapons and armor are so cool. I love the great katana along with the martial arts. I love rellana's armor and the armor of solitude. The dragon form was here and i loved it.
Pretty good DLC but didn't reach my expectation of being on par with ringed city.

3 days ago

Vibinguphere commented on Vibinguphere's review of Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
@roboSteven @MXCrossfire
This review isn't out of spite, its because this game mechanically sucks.
I play this game with friends i think its an alright game but mechanically it doesn't offer much. The brave counter which is strong, but using it means when you do get hit its gonna end up benefitting the opponent because the brave counter waste one of three bars and it causes you to take more damage the less you have, I also did mention it but not by name cause i didn't know what it was called at the time.
The whole point of me bringing up my skill is to say im pretty average at this game and if i were to just rank how good i am i would give this a 4 star, but when i sat in training mode for the first time to learn a few characters (Narmaya, Anila and Gran) i realized, "oh my lord, they are all fundamentally the same" and i was exaggerating with the every input is safe but even if its not plus you could still block afterwards. Combos feel the same and don't give me no "Erm, actually because its a anime 2d fighting game that is heavy on combos, thats why most characters feel the same", WHEN DBFZ, A GAME WITH AUTO COMBOS, SIMPLE L/M/H INPUTS, AND A UNIVERSAL COMBO, CAN MAKE EACH CHARACTER FEEL DIFFERENT BUT WAIT THATS A 3V3 GAME BUT DNF FUCKING DUEL WITH A SMALLER ROSTER CAN MAKE EACH OF THIER CHARACTERS DIFFERENT THATS A FUCKING ISSUE AND I PLAY GRANBLUE MORE THAN DNF. ERM WHAT ABOUT UNIQUE SKILLS, ERM WHAT ABOUT ARCHETYPES, IT DON'T MATTER THE WHOLE "Modern fighting games are just like this" MXCROSSFIRE SAID IS SO STUPID.
I think this game is fine is stunning and beautiful to look at with some of the best animations and its crossplay so you can sit and play with friends on pc and playstation, but i feel like mechanically it all feels the same and safe.

3 days ago

4 days ago

Vibinguphere completed Roblox

4 days ago

4 days ago

4 days ago

Vibinguphere completed Cars

4 days ago

4 days ago

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