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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 21, 2024

First played

January 15, 2024

Platforms Played


kind of a huge mess of a game, to be honest, the cutscenes feel like they were cut from different cloth half the time, like the events that occur make sense in order but the tonal shift or the way they jump from one camera angle to another is just... weird

i dunno

the characters all have a nice arc and tidus especially really matures from the entitled dipshit he is at the start to a guy who actually bothers to empathize with all his new friends by the end

which i think is where this really differs from most previous ffs (maybe 8 is the same, actually) in that it's far more characters and emotions focused than plot focused - not that there isn't a LOT of plot, but it's secondary

gameplay wise i sure was yawning for most of it until the end when i started going for the optional bosses at which point it became wayyyyy too hard until i maxed out the sphere grids and then it became wayyyyy too easy lol

not my favorite ff that's for sure but not terrible