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Token completed Babbdi
Welcome to Babbdi — Token here!
— This review is final, and my score will not change whatsoever.
Babbdi is something that cannot be explained through a video or a review. Play this once, and only once; if you do go back, make sure it counts. The atmosphere is truly unmatched in Babbdi, and it starts to make you think a lot about the world itself. No matter how much you explore, it'll never be enough and most likely outcome will be, "I want more of this." Babbdi doesn't need a sequel at all.

[7/10 - Good] | (Game is literally free)
Full review here:

Original Steam Review

11 days ago

Token backloggd Babbdi

11 days ago

Token reviewed Force Reboot
ULTRAREBOOT (x3)Hola, mi amigos. Forcetony Rebootano here.
— Review was formulated based on an unbiased opinion regarding on my experiences with boomer shooters.
— The game is in early access, and content is subject to change.
Force Reboot is a great case of mixing both two formulas that worked well and were turned into a nice movement shooter, It's got its ups and downs, lefts and rights, horizontals and verticals. Eventually, after finally beating the 3rd stage, I've never felt such immense joy in my life; it overall made me cry... If you're coming here after finishing [post void] or ULTRAKILL then you'll certainly love Force Reboot! Don't wait for a sale; buy the game full-price because it's worth it! (because I said so, 100% — so GET THE DAMN GAME ALREADY...)

[8/10 - Great] | (Game was bought at a full price)
Full video review here:

Original Steam Review

13 days ago

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