Welcome to Babbdi — Token here!
— This review is final, and my score will not change whatsoever.
Babbdi is something that cannot be explained through a video or a review. Play this once, and only once; if you do go back, make sure it counts. The atmosphere is truly unmatched in Babbdi, and it starts to make you think a lot about the world itself. No matter how much you explore, it'll never be enough and most likely outcome will be, "I want more of this." Babbdi doesn't need a sequel at all.

[7/10 - Good] | (Game is literally free)
Full review here: https://youtu.be/Ee1nprhyKYo

Original Steam Review

ULTRAREBOOT (x3)Hola, mi amigos. Forcetony Rebootano here.
— Review was formulated based on an unbiased opinion regarding on my experiences with boomer shooters.
— The game is in early access, and content is subject to change.
Force Reboot is a great case of mixing both two formulas that worked well and were turned into a nice movement shooter, It's got its ups and downs, lefts and rights, horizontals and verticals. Eventually, after finally beating the 3rd stage, I've never felt such immense joy in my life; it overall made me cry... If you're coming here after finishing [post void] or ULTRAKILL then you'll certainly love Force Reboot! Don't wait for a sale; buy the game full-price because it's worth it! (because I said so, 100% — so GET THE DAMN GAME ALREADY...)

[8/10 - Great] | (Game was bought at a full price)
Full video review here: https://youtu.be/E25UoXntB_I

Original Steam Review

A free game on steam, It's worth a try. You can also reset your achievements in the game (which resets the steam achievements), a great mini-arg like game that communicates with you through achievements and linear storytelling.

It lacks proper completion, but since it's a solo developer, what can you expect? Just to let you know, if you're itching for RPGs to play then this is not the one for you. It's unfinished and honestly I don't think I'll be waiting that long for an update in the next decade or so, however if you want to view this game as a 'demo' or a 'prototype' version then it really is up to you.

I wish there was more to it. Worth getting.

Queen Beast is a VN worth checking out!
I usually don't read that many visual novels, usually because I skim through the story or whether it presents some sort of usual cliche you'll see, maybe a trope or two that are overused. But I've never seen a VN so great, that it's been made available for free!

From it's witty dialogue, underlining its tone from taking it casual and switching to serious discussions/moments, the unique character design and artsyle. The characters are incredibly well written, especially both Otto and Switch; their dynamic together is awesome! Or tiny details you wouldn't notice, such as whenever you check the map, it highlights the details/events that took place in that area or something like that. The music is pretty calming, and it's amazing to include it within the gallery so we could hear it on repeat if we'd like.

What almost got me was the epilogue; y'know the saying men don't cry... kind of made me tear up a bit haha- I do hope this continues or something like a spin-off because I'd love to see more! Maybe a new cast? Reoccurring ones? The opportunities are so endless! Maybe I'm being a bit opportunistic, but this is probably in my top 10 VNs; up there with VA-11 Hall-A, Coffee Talk, Occult Rewrite, The Red Strings Club, etc.

I originally found it on itch.io (and bookmarked it), but never touched it until now.

Queen Beast is a simple, short visual novel that needs to be tried at least once, always comes back begging you for a sequel.

My Verdict: 10/10

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A linear alien corridor shooter with destructible environments which sounds good on paper, but it becomes very tedious in some locations. You will suffer a lot, certain scenarios within the game are just way to hard in normal mode, especially when the game tries to give you way too many enemies at the end to fend off. Dumbed-down version of Guerrilla... they butchered way too much stuff, look at the concept art released by Volition. Mediocre pacing; need to watch the tv show 'Red Faction Origins' to understand half of the plot presented in Armageddon. Way too many weapons, some are just trash early game while it's nice for more unique weapon builds and variety; its just not needed whatsoever. I can't blame the developers since they were given six or nine months to work on this. Not entirely a bad game... should've been a spinoff, not a sequel to Guerrilla. There's also New Game+ for those interested in a challenge whilst keeping your previous stuff.

Multiplayer (Infection Mode) is BORING & dead, I've played Guerrilla's multiplayer, and can say that was more fun. You basically survive a couple of waves, defending yourself from aliens along the perks you've unlocked throughout your normal gameplay.

Red Faction Armageddon is a former shell of itself. Poor decision handling and greediness from its publisher THQ with passionate developers willing to finish a half-assed game. Buy it during a sale, get the DLC 'Path of War' since some of the achievements are locked behind a cheap paywall.

After finishing the entire game which was a hassle (100% in achievements/collectibles) , it's safe to say that Sleeping Dogs is a great alternative to GTA. Amazing combat similar to the Arkham games, unfortunately downgraded visuals compared to the original version, horrible vehicular handling/combat furthermore a story to die for. Get it during a steam sale, nuff said.

To put it simply, Medal of Honor is a great game for its time, but most of my complaints are how the campaign is pretty short, only taking about 5 or so hours to complete the entirety of it, depending on how long you advance through levels; or how open the maps are, I'm not sure whether the developers were on the verge of making this game either a tactical or run and gun, and the story, as some people have expressed, it's mediocre at best, their focus was on authenticity and realism and it came through very well, it's not good or bad, but I've seen better first person shooters with better stories.

I have a mixed opinion about the multiplayer; developed by DICE. I don't mind that it's on a different engine; it's aesthetically more pleasing than the singleplayer, with more visual effects to make it appear amazing; graphically, I'm not sure. It's just that it doesn't really fit or look like it's from the same game; animation-wise, it's almost identical to Bad Company 2, some animations reused.

tldr: Mediocre story based on authenticity, which Danger Close delivered perfectly if not for its bland game design, dull animations, and overall going against everything the original series did. Play it once, after that immediately drop it or head over to the multiplayer and install a custom client/patch.

Not my favorite within the franchise, basically the black sheep really; It's better to buy a key of Hitman 1 (If your PC can handle the god-awful unoptimized performance) or Blood Money, all of the "replay value" comes down to challenges or the contracts mode, which shutdown years back, only accessible via community made patches/emulators that bring it to a proper state. The DLCs for the game have been removed from the store because those were contract exclusives (and also Square Enix), only way to have said DLCs is buying the 'Elite Edition' on keysites. I was not hooked in the story, as the characters are almost poorly written with useless agendas and motives to their names, did not enjoy it. I managed to 100% this game and it already made me as miserable as the average hitman player.

Yes, it's now possible to 100% the game. Just visit the GitHub link below.

tldr: Absolute pass. Servers been shutdown by Square Enix, meaning multiplayer achievements are unobtainable unless you use a server emulator. Play the newer installments instead.

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Such an incredible stealth game, with tons of details still being discovered almost a decade later. Bravo, Kojima, but after the story ends, it's just re-used missions, which is fine, but there could've been more variety; that truly was the phantom pain I've ever experienced.