Honestly, I really liked the game when I played it - I was intense about oriental fantasy, and the different style of combat, compared to other games of the genre, had me totally hooked. Tho, I know I write this with a bit (or even a lot) of nostalgia, because it's been a while since I played it, and I think it probably didn't aged well, but I would give my everything to have, not a reboot of it, but a sequel. Sadly, I think even Bioware has just forgotten this game.

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To be honest, I never played the original one - I was one of those brat who couldn't get into a game if I didn't find it 'beautiful' enough. And, well, the square graphics... That said, I knew all the story of the game, so when this one got out, I literally jumped on it since it was one of the rare FF I didn't played. And omg what a ride it was ! It's beautiful, fluid as fuck, and the story, with the integration of the Whispers ? Well, I am all for it, because it clearly means it's not a 'remake' per se, but a true sequel, a new timeline, and I can't wait for the next part of the story, with all the changes to come ♥ .♥

Visually ? Yeah, even for that type of game, it sucks - tho, for something from 1999 ? At the time, it was really impressive, especially the cinematics. But what I want to say is... that's kinda the first RPG game I loved with all my heart, especially because it's story-driven and that almost all situations in game can be resolved with intelligence, charisma or cunning ways, which was not really at thing back in the days. Yet, I needed to try the game at least two times before finding it interesting enough to actually do everything I could in it. That's also the trigger for my love of black humor, and I can't disregard that since it's a big part of who I am now ;P

Before everything, let's go to the point I heard a lot of people complaining : this game is long. Like, really long, for an era where a game of 10h is already considered like a lot. That said, I personally had nothing to say against it, probably because I didn't felt the time go by.

No, what I remember vividely is the constant fear I felted from the beginning (where I wasn't even aware that the Xenomorph wasn't there yet) until the very end. The sounds, in particular, were very intense. You could hear your breath becomes shorter, the Alien's footsteps at every turn, searching for you, and I was always afraid to start an audio tape to find out about the game's history, because I knew the Alien could hear it too and wouldn't think twice about coming after me.

The AI especially was a wonder - because even if you played the game in easy mode, the Xenomorph never stopped improving and adapting to your techniques, until the very end where he was basically knowing at every time where you were and how to stop you in your tracks, literally forcing me to run in a straight line, hoping to beat him in speed.

As an horror game, it is, still at this day, the best experience I had, even if I'm still a bit more mixed about the story in itself, since it basically contradicts that of the films - but, oh well, maybe I'm biased, but it's not as if Alien's creator himself still respected his own timeline ;P

Let's start with something obvious but : I am Atlus Bitch, especially when we talk about Persona or even all the Shin Megami Tensei in all their shiny glory \o/

But Persona 5 ? Yeah, this one as my heart a little bit more than the others. I'm not even sure why, tbh. Maybe the subjects covered resonated with me, or the characters - I mean, there is none of them that I don't like. And let's get at the very end of this road : Futaba Sakura is the best character of the entire franchise, I'll never change my mind about that, because 1. She's a redhead 2. She's a nerd 3. She's socially awkward to the point where it's just so cute 4. Her Palace is a goddamn pyramid and I wanted so badly to become an Egyptologist and finally 5. She's just, basically, me coded.

And yes, the game is long. I like long games, when the story is good - and here, this one as just... everything for itself.

I haven't finished the game yet, still on my normal route (and can't wait to do the Dark Urge one), but I NEED to say it : I was beyond happy when they announced the game, because I wasn't waiting a sequel to Baldur's Gate at all, and even less coming from Larian Studio, who for me is a studio that really cares about the games they do and the players that plays it. Plus, as a RPG player at all sauce (paper, full-scale, forums, mmorpgs, name them all), I am just baffled at the number of possibilities for solving the proposed situations.

Just, yeah, you'll see myself say that in a lot of reviews, the game is long. REALLY long. Especially if you want to try everything, there is so much to do, so little time~♥

Oh, and ofc : Jahaira and Minsc, and the miniature giant space hamster Boo. That says it all.

Honestly didn't knew where I was going when I launched the game for the first time - all I knew was that it was heavily story-driven, that it was a RPG, and... that's about all.

And what a ride ! Who knew a game could be THIS good, THIS perfect, without a single combat in it, and the way you 'talk' to your personality traits, and the investigation, and all the revelations, and...

Omg, writing this I have the urge to do it all over again. Might probably do that in a very near future.

Really guys, if you want a truly unique experience, GO RIGHT NOW !

What can I say ? At least, Chrome Dino is always here when I need him ♥