I-a make da pizza
who could forget this certified hood classic. Man this shit was fun, playing as a depressed teen whose boss up and fucking left the business, leaving you to care for the kitchen, costumers, and management while still only being paid in tips was something I wasn't expecting to relate to later in life. 8 year old me played every single one of these entries, loved burgeria especially

man 10 year old me must have poured hundreds of hours in flipnote. This was an amazing network of incredible talented kids and a looooot of pre-historic shitposting, the first AMV I watched was likely on my DSi screen through this software. I remember working tremendously hard to make my flipnotes, I was an avant-gard flipnote artist I swear to god, everything I made was abstract as shit. I remember once I poured hours and hours into one specific flipnote and I recall my dad turned the ds off or something? I don't know, I don't really know how or why my dad would even turn it off, let alone if he knew how, but that's how my 10 year old self remembers it. I remember crying and throwing a tantrum on the couch in my living room, and refusing to go to dinner. Man, what an annoying little shit I was.

mannnnn I can't even explain how recurrent this fucking game was in my childhood, holy shiiiit. Even before paying for the full version, I played the demo like crazy. I got so good at its online game-mode. goddAM I would crawl through broken glass and give up a kidney just to get Sony to put up the servers again and rock out some matches like the old times. The gamemodes were simple, but all super fun. The map design?? Incredibly intricate yet straightfoward routes, with a lot of branching paths, shortcuts, risky routes, strategic points, every single match was different even if it was played on the same map over and over again. The class system was super fun, the game had an hilarious tone to top it all off, with really tongue in cheek humour while a blood bath ensued before your eyes. I hate saying "they dont make games like this anymore" you know? it's like every game is a product of its time and new and compelling ways to aproach game design and multiplayer verbs are being made every year, but FUCKK they don't make games like this anymore. 10/10 idc

what good is this dlc if serena cant move in with me ಥ_ಥ

"he plot centers on a dystopian television show during the then-future year of 1999, where one or two contestants must shoot their way to fame and fortune; the show is taped in front of a live studio audience with broadcast via satellite worldwide."

This game is exactly as bat-shit nuts as it sounds like, it has no buisness being this disguistingly graphic and insensitive and I fucking love it.

for a while this was the only game I had on my DS growing up. You know it was funny I wanted to get the console for so long and then when I did this is the game my parents got me. Classic story im sure, but honestly it was lowkey super fun. The lil dude with the glasses was actually a really cute and compelling character throughout the "game" and I had a lot of fun with every single mini game it had (except the math ones, found those ones rlly boring as a kid woop) and funnily enough I was the only little shit with this game at school and my friends actually got into it as well if I remember correctly. We would challenge eachother on the various lil minigames and the IQ result it would give you.

we didn't deserve smartphones

I had this on my nintendo ds I loved the SHIT out of this game. I lent it to a supoosed """friend""" at the time, in primary school, while she lent me mario and sonic and the 2008 olympics. We were supposed to give the games back in like two weeks or a month or something. After the stipulated time period was over I gave her back the olympics game and SHE LOST MY FUCKING KUNG FU PANDA GAME. At least she said she did. Bitch.

I swear to god this shit was so batshit insane, rolling through ancient japanese dojos through a wild west setting, with ridiculous villains all whiLE SLICING A KATANA AND SHOOTING A GUN?? Like you would actually slice and shoot with the goddamn wii remote this shit was INSANE 9 year old me could not believe my eyes. This is literally a kid's dream, mashing together two historical troupes any little boy loves, with absolutely nO disregard for historical accuracy or even pragamatism in terms of combat. This is literally a kid's dream. I had so much fun with this, truly a unique piece.
I don't give a shit if I'm seeing this with rose coloured glasses and the gamplay was trash YOU WERE A SAMURAI WITH A GUN SHUT UP

man I thought I was kinda decent at hollow knight, until I got here. Goddamn it's so much fun tho

man I remember my big brother got so fucking pissed at me because 7 year old me spent our precious wii shop points in this stupid ass game instead of rumble, which he really wanted to play. ranch wasn't even that fun.

Yeah I remember playing this on the PS3 and being really surprised at how well put together the game was you know? It was an entirely open world experience filled with wonderful little side activities, from the dueling club to the potion brewing mini games, the quidditch sections, and the whole area was actually really fun to explore. You know in terms of the story's gameplay it was fine, had some fun moments but it was mostly mid, but what this game really shined in was giving us an open world hogwarts to explore.

man this game is super fun. one of the ones me and my buddy grinded out the most in my mini snes. perfect arcade fun. And the cyperpunk wild west setting?? amazing

first game I ever tried to speedrun
gave up in a few hours
I was not very resilient back then


I remember buying this on a fucking grocery store for 9€, I also got Darkness II for the same price. I don't remember much, other than that I was injured while playing it, and gave up on it after a while. Surely it must have been remarkable