played this when I was like 10 years old, it was dumb fun for a few sessions

I played this maybe a few times as a kid and got stuck pretty early on, but after trying it again over a decade later, I've come to love it, and I'm addicted. It's such a simple concept, and despite the puzzles getting more complex, I haven't felt any of them were unfair save for maybe one or two.

This game and its series needs to be on Switch

Amazing, but I figured it was to be expected by Ubisoft Montpellier. I had the same feeling playing this when I played Metroid Dread a few years ago, but this game's traversal made exploring and platforming through the map a stellar time, and I always found new ways to experiment with the combat. The game's presentation rocked with its cutscenes and flashy combo finishers. The story was pretty good, though nothing too special. Depending on the difficulty level, I say you get a pretty good challenge, some of the bosses took me a few tries, but never felt unfair or too easy. You unlock different specials and amulets throughout the game. I wasn't sure how many I would be able to carry by the end, but I picked a loadout that best fit my playstyle.

The game doesn't autosave that often so try to go to a Wak-Wak tree whenever you can. I experienced a couple bugs that either made the game crash, or forced me to restart, but these were rare. There was a bug funny enough that made me unable to take damage for a good while, which made me completely invincible to one of the later bosses in the game.

I know it's Ubisoft, and I haven't played the other Prince of Persia titles before this one, but I recommend The Lost Crown with all my heart. I may go back soon to 100% it.

I know for a fact this game was definitely a quarter gobbler, because what the actual shit was level 8

GOOOOOOD Game. The developers really let their creativity flow throughout the game, and it always felt like they were introducing something new from beginning to end. The game progression was very refreshing for a 2D Mario game, having come off of the NSMB games. The new power-ups were pretty cool. Of all the new ones introduced, my favorite has to be Bubble with how useful it is in some of the KO Arenas, and movement options, and Drill being able to burrow underground. Elephant was neat, but I felt like there wasn't as much utility for it as there could've been outside of spraying water. Everything visually from the art direction, animations, UI, etc. are all phenomenal. The badge system was a clever way to enhance the characters' movesets while keeping everyone the same. Despite the lack of traditional online co-op, I actually really like how the online was handled in this game. While the game is pretty easy, other players showing how to find some secrets or saving myself and others from death gave this game a big community aspect that I'd love to see in 2D Mario games going forward.

I love the Wonder flower, although some effects were cooler than others, and two of my gripes are just the boss battles being kinda whatever, and I wish there was at least one more badge challenge for each one you got.

Nintendo knocked this one out of the park. I love 2D platformers, and though I do enjoy the 2D Mario games I've played, I don't think there's one that I've loved more than any of the 3D games until this one came out. If you haven't played it already, you're missing out.

Update: That final final level is EVIL, especially towards the end wtf Nintendo

Gameplay is fun mix of Sonic (general gameplay and level design) and Kirby (power-ups), and with a stellar soundtrack. All of the power-ups are fun to use, though some of the levels go on for very long. Regardless, solid game from start to finish.

I have Storm Rising on loop, I'm locked in. This is also probably the most I've consistently played/wanted to learn a fighting game in a long time.

All of the additional animation should have easily made this better than the original, though one major omission makes me visit less than the original. Removing the online community feature (Hatena), ultimately kills what made the original Flipnote Studio experience so charming and memorable


Very fun and unique take on a dungeon crawler. Best played with friends.

I'm so happy this game exists. It isn't afraid to show it was inspired by Jet Set Radio, but I wouldn't write this game off as a soulless copycat. Almost everything about this game from the gameplay, music, and aesthetics rock. The general gameplay loop is very fun. For as simple as doing combos are with only a few buttons, learning to keep your combo up is extremely satisfying to do, and the post-game brings a large incentive to mastering it. The soundtrack is just a 10/10 with some of my favorites being Da People, Get Enuf, Next to Me, Funk Express, Big City Life, and I Wanna Kno.

As a bboy, it was awesome to see how the director's dance background was infused into the game by tying a specific dance style and playlist to each crew, doing cyphers to switch characters, and the choreography accuracy.

If I had any gripes with the game, I feel like the combat could have been fleshed out a little bit more, you barely have a frame to fully tag a cop with graffiti before they go flying, and the impact doesn't have enough oomph to it. Also, the story is pretty interesting, but it's kinda aight towards the very end. There were a couple additional gripes I had about certain elements not being in the map, but some quality of life updates fixed them for me fairly fast.

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is a game I need everyone to play yesterday. I can't wait to see how Team Reptile follows up on it.

Really grindy if you don't spend money on microtransactions (I didn't), but the simple loop is kinda fun, at least there's an end

i enjoyed using it until all SpotPass functionality was removed

Simple, yet satisfying, and the multi-directional shooting makes this underrated game so fun

BOTW was already my favorite game, and this game managed to fix all of my issues in that game, plus the new shrines in this game (when they're not just Rauru's blessings), feel much more creative, and make better use of Link's moveset, especially with the Zonai devices. Absolutely phenomenal game, and while I don't think games should be $70, this one was absolutely worth it the whole time.

I adore this game's overall aesthetic. I like the game's unique twist on being a rhythm game, and figuring out how to string together different moves was pretty fun to figure out. As a b-boy, this is probably the best breaking game I've played. That being said, I wish the BPM would change up a bit during the non "rhythm" section sometimes, and trying to score style points didn't always work as well as I would have liked.