10 reviews liked by Tomiskus

Not a huge shooter guy admittedly, but I had a good time with this. It's a bit bullshit at times for sure, but the setting itself is real cool, and it's easy to see why it's such a big part of gaming history.

If Bioshock and Fallout had a son that where raised in Russia, that would be Atomic Heart. It was clearly aiming at those 2 franchises and I believe it achieved what it intended to. It's a solid FPS with bioshock-like powers and that "atomic alternative reality" feeling of Fallout. All in all, I had fun with it and the story is good enough to make you keep playing it to see where it goes.

Despite the constantly sinking Steam achievements, its a good game to wind down with.

The logical next step for puzzles. I'm shocked it took as long as it did for a vr puzzle game to come out. The 3D puzzles in this game are very good, and the functions built around puzzling complement the rest of the game well.

Solid puzzle game, with some unique elements, but I feel like the ending was alluding to something more happening in the game, and it just never happened.

No reason the normal difficulty setting should've been as hard as it was. After playing through some of the other RE games I agree not having an item box when you're constantly switching between characters was a really bad choice. REBECCA

It's cool what Ape Escape was able to do back in the day, especially with the DualShock on the original PlayStation. Sadly, after trying to play it multiple times, I was just never able to get accustomed to the controls. This is one of those many "I probably should've been there" kinds of games, because I'd probably get a lot more out of it if I had played it when it first released.

Yakuza but in a desert, what more can you ask for?

ah yes my favorite genre of video game, superpower and dildo swords