Would be fantastic as a mobile game ngl.
I love the naming system it's really cute.

Not too big on the roster in terms of ultras but it's quite fun just the thing with the random encounters again

This thing would be so much better if it didn't beep so much when I'm trying to sleep.
The random encounters are overdone and I much prefer how the pendulum z does it

This is a really fun digital device and one of the best virtual pets you could own but the price is extremely steep

I did all that grinding for lore but all I got was a 5 second clip of Ken getting nuked

Till next time Phantom Thieves :')

I stopped taking this game seriously as soon as the divorce came up

I had very low expectations so I was pretty surprised that it wasn't as bad as everyone was saying. There's not much depth to it, definitely needed more time,but it's a good game to waste time with. I enjoyed my time with it tbh :)
COMP Smith theme goes so hard tho