"In my world the color red doesn't exist"
This is honestly one of the best games I've ever played. It was fun, funny, heart warning and a perfect wrap to the trilogy. The ending is absolutely thematically beautiful. No regrets
100% glad I bought this rhe ending made me cry

Eikichi best boy
Despite the combat being atrocious the story is incredible and enough to keep me going.

I had very low expectations so I was pretty surprised that it wasn't as bad as everyone was saying. There's not much depth to it, definitely needed more time,but it's a good game to waste time with. I enjoyed my time with it tbh :)
COMP Smith theme goes so hard tho

Long Intimidating maps but fun and has a good story. Deserves a remake

It was kinda bad but the dragon creater was goated

Fire game anyone who disagrees deserves to be run over by Agumon 🔥🔥🔥🔥


The final boss was sheer brilliance. The art style is spectacular and the characters are great. It reminds me of Persona 2