i honestly don't know what to say.
gameplay was superb, but pretty much everything else tries so hard to be nocturne or it just sucks
characters suck
endings suck

Absolutely fantastic game, ending C is probably my favorite Nier ending. Everything in this game is amazing: Gameplay, story, characters, music...

Beaten every single route except White and this was one of the best experiences i've ever had in a videogame
Demon fusion was extremely fun
Music was fire man
Explorating everything was great even if it's a bit weird to move
Difficulty (played in prentice, although later ng+ master) isn't that hard, you just have to know what you're doing, you simply can't spam random attacks hoping you'll hit weaknesses. Minotaur isn't that hard if you have a bufu (+buffs) team, and same with medusa with zan, honestly.
Gameplay is REALLY fun as always, press turn is amazing


sadly the omori parts are boring as fuck and the sunny parts have atrocious gameplay

the ending looks like a fucking joke

I can't believe I'd say this but I seriously loved the Boost Sonic sections. Except Planet Wisp, pretty much every boost act was great.
Can't say the same about Classic Sonic though. Most of them were bad.

awesome game but searching the triforce pieces is just stupid

This is SO GOOD. This is such an improvement to the original terraria that adds the same if not more content than vanilla.

played with bettersadx after tails, improved my experience a lot. big's story wasn't as bad as I thought (amy's was worse imo)
I actually enjoyed it. knuckles' gameplay was so fun

way worse than I expected sadly but still clears modern sonic imo

pretty good game, trials (and specially puzzles) are way easier than normal games
it also being a lot more layton than ace attorney sometimes feels weird, considering that sometimes phoenix doesn't do anything, and when he does, layton already knows everything.

pretty good game, classical layton ending, you'll probably like it if you're a fan of both layton and ace attorney, but you probably wont really be interested in layton/aa if you weren't before

Really good game but fails as a sequel, old characters are so underdeveloped and ignored. It really makes me angry

don't have much to say, fun to play with people I guess