1 review liked by TorkFormann

Good voice acting, good characters, good story. I also didn't mind the fact that choices didn't really make any difference in terms of how things went: what I liked was the chance to see what the character felt, through those choices. In a way, it is something that only this medium can do through some simple game design ideas. What I didn't like though was the ending.

One aspect that the game explored well in the first two and a half hours was the relationship between power, toxic masculinity, and how these two elements ultimately shape the mind and behaviors of an individual. They determine to what extent one can prioritize oneself over others. The historical context of the Cold War is excellent, and the inclusion of a discourse on women's rights is highly fitting in addressing the theme of power.

Unfortunately, for reasons I'm not quite sure of, the decision is made to undermine the connection between choices, attitudes, power, culture, and social relationships by revealing that the protagonist lies to himself even within his own memories, trying to remember his past under a different light (maybe a better one). Apparently, what is said and done never corresponds to the truth. Yet, this is something that has no impact on the entire game, is not significant for any of the themes explored, and I absolutely do not understand the significance of this kind of unreliabilty. In the last half hour of the game (quite a significant slice, considering the game is barely three hours long, and very short at the same time since it develops suddenly and too fast), the focus shifts completely, destroying everything that was being built up to that point. I can't help but think that perhaps the protagonist behaved, throughout the many events in which we were involved, modeling himself after his father or something like that; unfortunately, even if that were the case, the execution is horribly superficial. And it's a shame, especially considering that there are some moments where the transitions are truly impactful in revealing the character's past: in my opinion, they could have been the real strength of the entire game and yet they were not explored enough