Log Status






Time Played

23h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 17, 2023

Platforms Played


the amount of luck that goes into every single map in this game is completely absurd. enemy ability spreads are luck. enemy behavior is luck. ally npc behavior, hit chance, debuff hit chance, even self buffs. multiple times I replayed maps over and over with near identical input and had wildly wildly different results. completely unacceptable for a strategy game.

keeping pace with enemy levels requires grinding. I know grinding in rpgs is kind of contentious and can have a place, but in a game with a battle system this slow it should be not be a necessity for blind players, not to mention the amount of grinding it must take to get the most out of the job and poaching systems.

story seems really good from the about 50% of it I saw, and the game really does work when its not halting your progress with inflated enemy levels or absurd rng checks every other map.

this game really seems to have a lot to offer somewhere in there but is probably best played more slowly than I am willing to, or just with a guide. game sucks idgaf. play fire emblem