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As someone who has been fiending for a new Jet Set Radio game, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk scratches that itch and then some. It marries the best aspects of the original Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future and blends it together in a prime Spiritual Sucessor. Visually BRC is eye candy, a love letter to that era of the Dreamcast with some modern touches, and it all looks fantastic in motion. The music is essentially all hits the entire way through, especially the Naganuma tunes, you can tell his sampling style from the rest clear as day. The story is also shockingly deeper than I expected, while still having enough charm to keep me invested. Honestly, my only gripes with the game are it's length, being only roughly 6-7 hours long, as well as the Cops being a bit too involved in gameplay. Despite those small nitpicks, BRC is an excellent modern take on Jet Set Radio, and it almost makes you question the need for a new JSR when BRC already exists.