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1 day ago

Trilbion finished Crow Country
I don't wanna write anything in-depth and analytical about this, because I think that wouldn't fit with what this game is: simple and perfect. It doesn't necessarily reinvent the wheel, but it is more than wheel in spirit. I dunno, it's the middle of the night and I just finished the game. GO PLAY IT

Small notes I thought of after posting the above "review"
- I think it's a testament to the quality of the writing that I figured out the twist very early, but still gasped a bit when it was revealed proper. Admittedly, they weren't really hiding the twist in question, but I found that to be kinda fun actually. All the lil hints were cute.
- The very few moments that control of the camera is taken away from the player showcased just how good the devs are at framing a shot. The fact that almost any angle you position the camera on your own can look stunning is an even better testament to the devs' prowess.
- I found it surprisingly refreshing to play an indie-horror game that had a mystery which was wrapped up neatly at the end. I love ARGs and Lynchian abstract story-telling, but it seems to be a bit oversaturated in the indie scene lately. Plus, the story itself here was quite compelling, in large part due to the characters.
- I love this game so much.

11 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

Trilbion backloggd Ghosthunter

13 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

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