Bland cast of characters, forgettable story, uninspired match 3 puzzle game to sexualise the characters, and intense scenes involving murder and animal abuse with characters they want you to like, it's such a terrible game.

Calling this a video game would be an insult to every competent game ever made. A complete scam but what's new, it's Bethesda.

Unfunny and unoriginal, I think almost all the lines were ripped from the show? Gameplays a slog, playing it’s a slog, just don't try it.

An insult to the LGBT community clearly made only to bait profits with how bad the dialogue and characters are. I'm sure a few staff members poured their love into this game but it's all overshadowed by the mess of the rest of it. The main character is the generic nicest guy ever except on one single route where your the biggest asshole to the dad your trying to date for no reason.

The perfect definition of a scam. A broken joyless game where even if it was shipped working it still wouldn't be anything else other than mediocre. For an RPG your choices really don't matter at all besides for a few unique dialogue options. If you actually want a story, you'll need to do most of the side quests otherwise you'll probably beat the main story in one sitting and be forced to get the worst ending.

Edit: After avoiding this game for over a year I finally came back to at least finish the story mode now that I have a PS5 and hopefully they've fixed most of the glitches, at least half of the broken side quests worked now, while the rest still don't. The ending I went for was the Nomad ending and it was, eh? Didn't feel anything for it, and when I watched the other endings online, I still thought they all kind of sucked.

I feel so bad for Willem Dafoe and Elliot Page. David decided what if he wrote the worst story he's ever made, but then chop it up into bits and swap them around so the story sucks AND doesn't make sense. The 3 worst levels were of course the 3+ hour ones, no one cares about the desert farm plotline, or any of the 20+ plotlines of generic cliques and plots points. No one is likeable, of course the forced love interest is just the worst type of human. This game is just watch me sexualise our protagonist. (Not to even mention how David went against Elliot's wishes, and made a naked model of him.)

Should've stayed an April Fool's joke, not as fun and quirky as you think.

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It's crazy how one game can destroy everything you've built up with this series. The only positive is the gameplay, that's it. New characters suck, the old characters are ruined beyond likeable and/or killed off. The story is the worst I’ve ever heard with the antagonist being no personality having streamers with both their stories and outcomes being super obvious. They spent years building up some war story that gets abandoned with this game, I wish all the characters were dead since at least I wouldn't be able to see them be defiled anymore.

I've never seen or read the series and had no idea this was a MOBA before playing. It ain't good.

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The worst out of the whole lot so far, another it's all fake game immediately after the 1st game. Except this time, it's all in your head, so there really is no consequences this time around.

I played this once, and then never again. It's just the same game, exactly the same. I refuse to play anymore just to see the new content at the end, I already struggled enough with Sun.

This feels like an arcade game that got rejected from every arcade for being god awful, so they just released it on consoles. Not fun.

I don't think a single starting decision at the start of the game mattered at all. The game tries to tackle many subjects, disasters, deaths, murderers, cults, and yes, even sexual deviants (I don't want to put the actual R word but yes, it's that bad) and none of them really hit the mark with how janky and hollow the game feels, I felt like I spent a week on this game but turned out I only played a day to beat it.

Thankfully the story is short, so you don't need to worry about wasting your time on this should've been DLC. The only thing good that I can remember is the lesbian Australian girl.

I really love Dead Rising, so imagine my shock getting gut punched by this unfinished rushed piece of work. They ruined Frank's character, removed the time limits, removed proper boss fights and proper side quests and I think I chuckled two times.