It was fun. Not what you'd really expect from a Doctor Who licenced game but for what it is... it's good, even if it isn't that challenging.

A fairly reasonable metroidvania.
Though it isn't anything indepth outside of the plot, was not the biggest fan of instakill obstacles though.

It's... fine. But there's an odd difficulty spike between the Gold and Platinum leagues.

Better than what I've played of Drum n Fun, has a better song selection as well.

It's good but... it still is literally just a port of a mobile game.

A breath of fresh air for the Sonic series. Even if it does slightly falter near the end.

This... is a beautiful turn for the Pokemon Franchise. It's the most fresh that an entry has felt since Sun and Moon in 2016. I don't believe it's perfect however as some elements such as the graphics could be massively improved.