Great game, loved almost everything, the story had some issues, but i really liked Act 3
Never expected to love the gameplay, felt so satisfying, every character felt distinct playstyle-wise, and the fatal strikes and OLs made it more fun, really liked breaking the game with Rita lol
The cast oh man, so good, still love Berseria more but Vespy's is great, cuz there was a lot of interactions between them and it showed off how fleshed out the characters were, the skits were quite hilarious too. Even the antagonists were cool, Yeager especially.
The music is my favorite in the series, Sakuraba went full power with this one, has a lot of tracks that differed from his usual stuff which was a change of pace, and didn't expect them on a Tales game.
Despite the world's visuals having more of a natural aesthetic contrast to Graces' crystalline , it still managed to look beautiful, some of the dungeons and towns have really good designs which made them memorable, Zaude and Dahngrest to name a few
it's a good game, a jack-of-all-trades Tales game so to speak. prolly my 5th or 4th favorite game in the series, just overhyped a bit too much

A good game, has its flaws but they don't ruin it completely, and imo not as bad as many would think
+Grey-and-Gray Morality is the story's strongest aspect, along with its side chapters that focus on different sides of the conflict that enrich its worldbuilding
+Soundtrack features a lot of charming tracks with their reliance on air instruments and sitars
+Krious Based
+Sherris my queen uwu
-Story pacing was off in some places, and its plot points were poorly handled
-Battle System feels underdeveloped, its randomness can make it unnecessarily grindy.

+Distinctive premise of its MMORPG-based world
+Additional Gameplay features that get added every volume give an adrenaline rush that get you addicted to it, if only for a while.
+Haseo Based
-Very repetitive, story-wise and gameplay-wise
-Extremely dull dungeons