11 reviews liked by Truu

my disc was scratched so i could only ever play up to the freeze level

surprisingly an absolute banger!! it's such a shame it's apple arcade exclusive because this game deserves to be played by more people! the plot isn't the most amazing thing in the world but the fact that this game has a plot and full voice acting at all is really awesome!

the controls are what makes this game SO good! they're impressively responsive and each character is satisfying to control. in particular, i love the way rail grinding and light speed dashing works in this game, it's some of the most responsive on the series! the level design is awesome too with each level being inspired by a skatepark with multiple different paths to take.

such an awesome game, highly recommend it if you're able to play it!

extremely fun and amazing game but i am not renewing my apple arcade subscription to finish it

I was little and I couldn't get through the first world lol

I feel like I have been gaslit my entire life. People would make you believe this is the worst game of all time. I was baffled playing it realizing it's not even the worst Sonic game i've played.

Do not get me wrong, this game has a LOT of issues for sure. But I found myself having more fun than not for the majority of the runtime. Silver was the worst the game ever got, but even then, it wasn't THAT bad outside of a handful of levels.

The level design in this game is fantastic, and I was kinda shocked how consistently each level banged. You can point to countless things as faults for this game, but level design is not one of em.

It is unfortunate how much potential this game had. If this game got one more year of dev time, this game could have been the Sonic Adventure 3 people have been dying for. I see the vision for this game and what it could have been.

It makes me super happy that Project 06 exists because it makes 06 so much better. While I haven't played all of it, I did check out the levels that I remembered being the absolute worst in the original, and MAN they are a huge step up there.

ALSO THE MUSIC IN THIS GAME BANGS. It is way better than I thought it would have been. I have knows of a handful of tracks in this game for a while, but nah most level's music is fantastic.

In summary, I might be an 06 defender. I absolutely see the faults of this game, but this game so strongly deserved a second chance. And it is not NEARLY as bad as people online would make you believe it is. It's a 6/10 that people online treat like a 1/10.

mario maker is such an amazing idea, if i could bring one game to a deserted island it would be this

cute game!

i broke my mouse playing this

This game was a lot of fun, even though the story was barely there lol. My biggest complaint was honestly the 2D levels; they really took the wind out of my sails. If I wanted to play a 2D Sonic game, I’d play a 2D Sonic game

overhated, it's not that bad but i'd rather play something else

not paying attention to my surroundings hasn't ever felt this good.