47 reviews liked by Tuwile

AssassinsCreed IV: Black Flag - Freedom Cry is another expansion on BF after The Golden Age of Piracy, specifically the Maroon Rebellion in 1735. The story is short but very focused on Adéwalé freeing the Maroons of Saint-Domingue. A nice and short DLC game.

Bramble: The Mountain King was a surprisingly horrifying game. I knew little about it going on but learned that it is based around Scandinavian folk tales. The story is well written and breaks up the nightmarish images with peaceful scenes at the start but looses itself to the darkness that is its tale.

Enemy designs are so gorgeous and detailed, varied in their attack styles, and chilling experiences. The gameplay reminds me of Little Nightmares or Brothers (minus the dual joystick controls).

The achievements are simple enough, with the exception of one where you have to beat the game with no deaths. This is not an easy feat and was one that I skipped out on.

This is a game that I would highly recommend for the story and awesome design.

Awesome concept for a game. You are a Writer serving time for breaking writing crimes and are offered jobs to steal artifacts from books in order to speed up your release. Isometric art style reminds me of old RPGs.

The Rewinder is a story based around Yaoguai and the afterlife. A well written adventure where "The Rewinder" is tasked with investigating missing souls in the afterlife from a village that has been destroyed by an unknown source. By using their abilities, The Rewinder can enter the memories of the villagers and change their decisions to save them from this reality.

The pixel art style is expressive and the soundtrack is immersive. The characters are solid and there is even a prequel DLC to purchase.

It's worth checking out if you are interested in Asian/Chinese stories.

Lovely game for a cat lover to explore and play as a little furball. Loved all of the realistic cat movements and dressing "Charlie" (my cat's name) up in funny hats. Worth playing and I hope to see a physical one day.

The achievements can be a little tedious and some people have complained about a glitch with one of the collectable missions.

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I Am Setsuna is a homage to the classic JRPGs of the past, like the original Final Fantasy games. The story is bleak, but hopeful as you play as a mercenary who is tasked with killing a young woman who is on a pilgrimage to stop a growing threat of monsters by becoming a human sacrifice. The story introduces multiple characters from across the snow covered world and each has interesting back stories and personalities.

The gameplay focuses on a Momentum system and ATB gauge. You attack when your ATB is filled and if you wait until your Momentum is also filled, you will get bonuses to your attacks such as additional damage or status effects.

The combat is entertaining enough but the enemy types are repeated using various colors or slight design changes as you become stronger in new areas.

I finished both versions of the final boss and completed the side missions to get all the characters' ultimate abilities, but ended up passing on getting 100% database entries such as enemy drops and items.

It's a solid RPG with a bit of some grindy gameplay, but the story is where is shines the most IMO.

AFK has good potential to be a long running online title. I played through the first two chapters, doing daily tasks and collecting all the heroes but noticed more and more than I was not playing it anywhere as much as my other mobile titles. Much like the original AFK Arena I enjoyed it for a bit and then abandoned it.

If you want a good online RPG of sorts, this is a good title for that but if you don't play actively, your are not getting the full experience.

A fantastical story of a handyman on a crashed spaceship trying to escape an alien planet with his fellow shipmates. Stranded in an ocean based planet, Harold must assist with the relaunch plan while also befriending those around him and moving around government bureaucracy. The story is one of exploration and learning of the unknown.

The entire game is made of stop motion puppets and craft materials and is a beauty to witness. Every scene is detailed and awesome.

The story is extremely well written and has humor, sadness, and action throughout making this a great title that I hope gets awards.

I finished in 17 hours and missed only 2 achievements due to glitches, but will return later when they have been patched.

A silly and colorful platformer. The story is about a character named Piku who is trying to stop a corporate magnate from taking over the world and enslaving it's people to be his personal servants.

Lots of silly writing and at times some challenging platforming. There are collectables and a good array of achievements/trophies to unlock as well.

Co-Op is also a lot of fun and should be enjoyed with a friend or family member.

"Alice in Wonderland" meets "The Legend of Zelda" in Ravenlok. A short but fantastical adventure hack & slash that blends 3D and pixel graphics together with breathtaking landscapes, enemies, and effects.

The story follows a girl named "Ravenlok" as she enters a fantasy world and helps the townsfolk take down the even queen. The influence from Alice in Wonderland is very obvious but it is a delight.

Achievements/Trophies are simple to get and I only wish the game was longer.