Fuck Blizzard and fuck this game.
Anti-consumer practices, especially for those who didn't own OW1, speaking of, it's horrendous how they abandoned the original OW2 plans and also erased OW1 from existence.

But in the end, it's still Overwatch and I like how it plays, even if playing it makes me angry.

The love hate relationship with TLOU continues.

Actually watched the show adaption this when I was only halfway through - and yeah my opinion's the same, both are great, but the Left Behind DLC is better than the Left Behind episode.
Great gap of time to set the story in, and the stuff with Ellie and Riley was fantastic. And yeah, I'm not sure if it would've worked in a linear fashion for the game so it's a perfect DLC. (Except obviously for me it's already included in the game)

It's alright, definitely overhyped. The nostalgia is cool but wears off fast. But it was great seeing classic locations, weapons and especially the vehicles.
The loot was annoying though, and the graphics are also noticeably different (sometimes good, sometimes less than good)

But the game changed for reasons. I love having all this OG content, but changes are good y'know

Honestly a really fun season. Didn't realise OG wasn't a part of this, so oops on my end. Though the map probably wasn't as good as Chapter 3's, I played this one for longer so I definitely feel a stronger connection to it. Loved all the additions and was saddened over some losses. Overall great map, and I hope Chapter 5 keeps the neon cities and rainforests. Also liked a lot of the new gameplay additions. And wish the hammer + excalibur rifle were around more than one season.

They fr don't let you save in the tutorial... Well at least I got an ending and came back after another 40 minutes to beat it.

I wish it had more time in the oven and ironed out the graphics and ESPECIALLY the performance. But in spite of this (helps that I was lucky in terms of bugs) I had a lot of fun with this game. Was for the most part decently difficult, love the new pokemon and it has an above average Pokemon story along with great characters and designs. Most fun I've had in a new Pokemon for a while.

Finally finished it, and man, what an ending. Even with spoilers for this game and the sequel, I was left in a state similar to shock, and I was tearing up earlier as well. Stunned by parts I knew and didn't know. (I played from right before meeting with Tommy to the end in this session, and man, what a roller coaster)