Gorgeous game front to back. Incredible visuals, soundtrack and concept. Gameplay isn't necessarily its strong suit but just about everything else makes up for it.

This game was recommended to me last year and has since thoroughly infected my psyche to the point where I hear the voices of dwarves every where I go, even in my sleep. So many rocks... So many stones...

Great game but poor performance on the Switch version, especially during split-screen.

My opinion of this game upon replaying it years later might have been less favorable had I not used the swap anywhere mod. I highly recommend anyone that has any desire to play this game and has the means to apply the patch to look into it. You will save an ungodly amount of time from removing the need to backtrack to the character swap barrels dotted around the levels every time you need to collect a few bananas.

Already a great game with tons of value on its own merits made even better by the fact that you can download an assortment of amazing and expansive overhaul mods, dump them into your modules folder and be consumed in the struggle to conquer and dominate the worlds of Calradia, Pendor, Perisno, Westeros, etc.