2 reviews liked by Ule

levels are really long and tedious, enemies are really repetitive and boring, bosses die too fast
great soundtrack, characters and story though

There's probably a lot to love about this game, but I just didn't care for it at all. I'd say if you're not a big Suda fan - don't touch this game and pick up a YouTube video of it instead. The gameplay is extremely mundane - almost every Death Ball (level) is based on some sort of wack gimmick, most non-oneshottable enemies are absolute damage sponges and there's a TON of them, the special skills that actually help in battle take forever to recharge and it all just makes the combat not fun at all. I hated the donut levels, disliked the racing games, and absolutely DESPISED the final Death Ball - which was easily one of the most frustrating experiences I've had in videogames in a long while. A majority of the game's story is fourth wall breaks and self-depreciating jokes, which I liked, but it got repetitive after some time, just like the combat. I enjoyed the VN segments, though.

Suda's games are not for everyone, but I'd say most of his games can appeal to anybody with an open mind, like killer7 and the first NMH. This game is an exception. You will likely only stomach the gameplay if you genuinely care about Suda's work and career enough and have time and will to think about this game's meaning a lot, because that's primarily what this game is about. Overall I had zero fun with it, I respect what he tried to do with his extremely limited assets, but it just didn't grab me at all.