12 reviews liked by UnbearableJuan

Not as good as the first, but my god they made it play even better, its just so fun.

Personally enjoyed the story and weapons more in this on.

I don't care for the songs as much as Beatsaber, but the gameplay is enjoyable. The bullets have a fair bit of magnetism which helps keep the rhythm smooth as you dodge projectiles.

I dont know what to say. Its so fucked up. But if you want to vomit, this ones perfect

I'll be honest I still don't know what to think of this one. I did genuinely enjoy the plotbut I can't say that the hentai was as necessary as some fans say. The plot wasn't deep though it just had a bunch of shit going on many times not even being properly resolved, though I can't say I wasn't interested in it.

If you're looking for porn, you won't find it here. This is unfappable.

A very good argument against freedom of artistic expression

They did a great job w/ customization and the part missions, on top of objective variety. But some of these maps are just long-winded mazes w/ no distinctions.

it's going to be so sick when game developers find out kurosawa isn't the only japanese filmmaker

the combat is fucking horrible.

[From someone who actually likes Clockup titles even when they are bad]

Incredibly self-indulgent title that's just not fun to read, the 4 hour bad end was pretty bonkers but the novelty wears out really fast, we get it pimple dick docking clockup why are you acting brand new you KNOW what your audience is, give us something interesting plotwise

I don't care about the grand plot it's so fucking bad who the fuck is out there pretending like the plot for this VN is good, it isn't, you go get a damn job

Read it for the funnies I guess, or if you like chuuni content, funniest part of the game is if you read the staff credits one of the VA was revising the voicelines in his apartment and got the police called on him