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I have only good memories about this game, everything just clicked. Vaas' definition of insanity monologue, the island setting, the gradual decline of Jason and the weed flamethrower section with heavy dubstep.

Awful experience. Clunky controls, empty world, horrible puzzles, annoying environments to traverse. The only saving grace are the cute skins that you unlock through painstakingly collecting every shaman.

Old man corvo gaining supa powa and blink blink whoosh stab

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Putting a spoiler warning, I don't want people to get spoiled on anything important on accident.

Wanted to experience crosscode again, was somewhat dissapointed. The story is the most lukewarm klee'shae thing, but it does have a nice spin after you beat the game. The characters are alright, all of them have some kind of gimmick (most of all the side characters), and the haha's were plentiful.

The combat is where the game shines - every encounter is fresh, on account of the lock system, plus the paper mario-esque timing attacks/blocks has a good feeling once you get used to every ability/enemy attack pattern. The game's pretty aware of itself when it comes to re-skins of the same enemies/bosses, so I won't rag on it too much. Even if it's a re-skin, most of the enemies/bosses have at least one new attack pattern that you have to learn or face mucho damage-o.

Yeah, the game looks great, but some locations feel barren, others are so stuffed or geometrically insane that I can't tell which way is up, which way is down at times. I very much like that for every boss there's an indicator for how much health there is left, so there's a bonus motivator for you to keep pushing, use everything you have etc. etc. One thing I disliked is the imbalance of different combo skill costs - most of them cost 2 combo points, which I feel is a bit too much, as early game, you will basically only have the zale+valere combo move and then a couple of 2-point combo skills (granted, if you find them, since most of them are hidden away in treasure chests)

Speaking of treasure, I love how much exploration there is. At first you just kind of have to push through the main story, to unlock some new traversal/utility abilities, but the late game is where the exploration aspect really peaks. I adored finding all of the little secrets, seeing where some random doohikey fits, so I could unlock some hidden boss battle and then post-main story content unlocks, where you can go for the true ending - it warms my soul.

Soundtrack is 10/10, especially the autumn hills track.

All in all, I went into this game, thinking that it's gonna be crosscode 2. I was dissapointed by the story and very much pleased with everything else. Get it, play it, you will not be let down.

A great short game that's comprised of 3 acts, with a simple yet touching story. About an hour of play time, the puzzles are pretty rudimentary, but the whole game just sounded genuine and made with a passion.

I have two saves where I've destroyed all of the man-made objects and another one where every single destroyable pixel is deleted. 10/10

One of the best games out there



Speedrun to turn off the dialogue volume

Perfect training if you're working as a chat support agent

Pretty competent isometric souls-like. The controls really need getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it slaps.

Mainly used fist weapons, since the actual attack speed rivals that of lords of the fallen, which really shits on the fact that the enemies can combo you before you have the time to finish your 3 second attack animation.

The soundtrack didn't seem all that noteworthy, nothing really stuck.

The artstyle is absolutely beautiful in all of it's gory details and animations. The lore is a bit lacking, but seeing how short of a game this really is, it's no biggie.

A big biggie is the actual combat. Apart from the mentioned attack speed criticism, the hit detection is worse than dark souls 2, you can absolutely cheese enemies by attacking them from below or above. The damage values on weapons are completely random in the sense that I use a seemingly stronger weapon with more or less the same buffs, but get a worse dps.

The dependency on shrines is absurd - you have a map, but some parts of it are stylistically burnt off, so you don't see all of it and kinda have to guess the route you're going to take. The map can only be viewed at the shrine. Any blessings can also be changed only at the shrine, which really limits the maneuvrability of any situation.

All in all, is pretty good still and the pros outweigh the cons for me at the end of the day.

Lucas Pope did it again, he handcrafted a perfect game, the madlad