Horrible RNG puzzles, final boss is too hard and I have no reaction time. Overall, great game. Archery is busted.

Any% speedrun till shutdown, absolute dumpster fire

Escape an astonishing disaster of this game. Yucky, no good.

it's aight, had fun with Lucio and Brigitte.

Initial release was fun, got to play EA as well. Nice idea, but poor balancing and execution.

God I wish I was blown away by the old man off the cliff one more time, pleaseeeeeeee!!!!!!!

Disliked, horrible, end your whole career as a video game developer after this one

Maybe by the day we're all 80, we'll finally see the beta version.

Fun with friends, miserable alone. Sometimes not fun with friends, still miserable alone. New updates with limited weekly events are good tho, liked them.

Perfect, the game that brought us skibidi toilet. Thanks garry

Nah, this ♥♥♥♥ feels wack and gets pretty boring after a while. The tracks keep narrowing the farther you progress, which is fine, but because the AI is the big dumb dumb, rubber-band AI, set on a pre-selected path, you don't get a lot of mobility if you're driving side by side i.e.:

1. They either RKO your ass off the track with the might of Zeus because you're in their path.
2. You try to push them slightly and they sling you back with 100 times the force that you hit them with, because their wheels are Flex Glue'd™.

Also if you plan to tactically calculate your turns and drifts, well i've got bad news for you, bucko, because that ♥♥♥♥ is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ RNG woooooooooooo. You either do a perfect drift with no problems or you do the same drift, ( angle's the same, speed's the same etc. ) and end up doing a fatal crash ( it does look cool, but doesn't help me win the race ).

Speaking of crashes, why the hell is hitting the same wall so random at times? I swear I hit the wall once and it damages car a bit and I'm back on track OR I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bump into the wall and my car explodes into millions of pieces and spins out 30 times. I'M DRIVING AT THE SAME SPEED AS LAST TIME, BUT NOPE I GET YEETED AND KABLAMMO'D AT RANDOM INTERVALS.

Oh and small pet peeve of mine: shouldn't sponsors that are more difficult give more fans? For example, completing an eliminator or vehicle challenge event is extremely easy, whilst these extremely specific sponsors like "Beat Cummo McSplooge in the Redbull race series with the exact time of 1:56:34 and drift at least 300m while tickling the taint of Michael Schumacher". Hard sponsors should be worth twice or even three times the fans then simple sponsors like "Drive 100m and beat Xi Huang, the reigning champion of the East".

All in all, was fun for about 10 hours, should've ended there, the online as far as i know is completely dead, explains why this garbage was for free.

Car customization is cool tho, prolly the most fun i've had in this game.


This game is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ blast.

First of all, i've gotta give huge kudos to the developers, they are one of the best in the business. They listen to the community, aren't greedy, work hard and regularly update the game with a bunch of new and exciting content. Rock and Stone!

Gameplay wise, this game has a lot of variety and possibilities on how to take care of those pesky glyphids. You've got 4 different weapons on all four characters that all have 15+ modifiers to enhance and differentiate your playstyle. You also have 2 supporting tools on all characters that help you either traverse the environment or fend off the creepy crawlies that constantly come in waves and ruin your life.

Speaking of those, the enemy variety is quite diverse and offers quite a challenge on higher difficulties, since you have to adapt and overcome not only enemy swarms, but also the treacherous environment with deep holes, radioactive crystals and geysers of hot steaming magma. You've got 15+ different enemies that bombard you in waves and your only solace is the two guns by your side and the flares in your pocket.

Now another positive thing i have to say about this game is the community. Personally, one of my major turnoffs in a multiplayer game is the toxicity and the overall bad vibe that constantly lingers in every match. I'm very glad to say that in DRGs case, that is not a problem. The people are extremely helpful and supportive. Sure, there are some sour apples from time to time, but the majority of the time every player is a sweetheart and helps me enjoy this game even more.

Now the only gripe i have with this game is the gamemodes. First of all, elimination is definitely the weakest gamemode of the bunch and usually is not worth the hassle.
Egg hunt and PE are in a tie, because they have similar objectives: get object out of wall, deliver it to pod, survive wave and get out, but are ultimately pretty boring and very samey most of the time.
Mini MULE repairs are the most unique concept in this game: you have to find and repair 2-3 mini mules, then go find the stranded drop pod, setup the launch coordinates, refuel it and then escape with the mini mules and all the minerals whilst being constanly attacked by neverending waves.
And the most simple yet also the most fun mode in this game is the casual mining expedition: get a certain amount of morkite and other minerals and leave.
I'd like for the elimination to be either completely reworked or change some of the elements, maybe add some bonus bounties or something like that.

Other than that the game is perfect.



Part above was written in 2019, i'm too lazy to update it. Overall, seasonal events, buncha content updates, great stuff. Still consistently one of the best MP PVE games out there.


Nice lil puzzle game and a nice story to boot.