As much as I've grown to detest this term, Skyblazer is an "underrated gem" of a game. The combat feels fun, you unlock all sorts of cool special moves to take down enemies and traverse stages, and the boss fights are (mostly) cool. There are some that'll make you pull your hair out a bit, but the game isn't punishing at all, and you can continue after running out of lives as often as you need. Absolutely consider checking this one out!

This is a very hit-or-miss game for most people. Personally, I enjoyed the settings of each area, the combat had a satisfying rhythm to it, the concept of having multiple currencies was neat, and collecting materials to use spells was cool. However, some of the areas can prove an unfair challenge, and there's a specific rat boss that will make you pull your hair out if you fight it unprepared. I think it's worth playing today, despite that.

Also, there's a mod that enables co-op play if you want to tackle this one with a friend!

A game that starts out fun and interesting and a few stages in becomes an unfair nightmare game. If you want to beat it, keep some cheat codes handy.

I don't hate this game, but I'm not the biggest fan of it, either. There are some questionable level design choices, and some of the boss fights are terribly unbalanced or just take way too long. There are times of joy with this in rare instances, and the data discs containing info about the characters is a really cool touch. If anything, just look up the info from those collectables online and skip actually playing this game.

Man, this sure is edutainment that tricked me when I was a kid at a game store! BOO this game! BOOOOOOOOOO

Capcom delivers the best Aladdin game of 4th gen. A fun short romp that's friendly to newcomers to the platforming genre. The music is also great here.

An absolutely great JRPG made by a dream team of amazing developers, composers, and artists. Easily one of the most noteworthy games to come out for the SNES. Having battles happen in the areas you explore, team attacks that are flashy and cool, and a plot that wastes no time in hooking you in are what you'll find in this game. This one is almost too easy to recommend!


An amazing Rougelite experience with an amazing cast of characters that will have you coming back just to see how many interactions there are. There's hours upon hours of voiced dialogue here, incentivizing playing more to see what characters will say next! The gameplay is also really solid and addicting on its own, with plenty of ways to reward the player, whether they succeed in escaping or not.

If you buy this game, make sure it's the PS5 version, if only because the devs put haptic feedback in for when you pet Cerberus. What a glorious game.

As someone who played Super Mario World to completion too many times, this hack drove me insane (in a funny way). If you also played SMW too much, you too will know despair when playing this game, constantly going "This is really close come on" and "How did this get here this isn't even supposed to be in this stage!"

One of the more unique Super Mario World ROM Hacks out there. Has cute cutscenes and a stellar presentation. It has a ton of stages that can be enjoyed by casual players! Downloading this hack comes with a unique instruction manual for the game, containing tons of cute art. If you snag this hack, be sure to check out the manual, too!

This randomizer offers a ton of cool features that make it a very unique way of replaying Super Mario World.

Outside of randomizing each stage, you can also randomize where pipes take you, which level paths keys open, which bosses appear in in each castle (as well as how many hits they can take), which enemies are in each stage, and where each of the doors lead in the final castle.

There are even options to change the properties of each stage randomly. You can make a normal stage have water, or remove water from stages randomly! You can also randomize which levels let you bring Yoshi in, or even make stages randomly be auto-scrollers!

There are some quirky options thrown in, as well, to make runs unique. These include things like custom stage names and text in message boxes, as well as randomizing the properties of the music for each stage!

There's plenty to do with this hack! If you're a seasoned Super Mario World player looking for a unique way to approach this title, definitely give this randomizer a try! A link to the website hosting the randomizer is HERE! You're going to need your own legally-obtained ROM for this to work. Choose the options you like the most or go with a preset and generate your next dive into Super Mario World!

To think the first game most PS5 owners will play is one of the most charming games to ever exist! It's a short, easy platformer that's a love letter to the history of PlayStation, from the hardware to the games that people remember them for! If you own a PS5, you have no excuse not to play this!

This game feels straight out of 6th gen in terms of its style. The gameplay is great fun, too. Even those who don't have a great sense of rhythm can get a lot out of this one. Don't just play it on Game Pass, buy it

A game full of charm from beginning to end. The combat is kinda dull, but typically this game isn't played for that, anyway. Play this with as little knowledge about it as possible.

A cute short romp that's full of charm. Definitely worth playing to kill a few hours.