[Average Reading Time: 9 Minutes]

I ripped. And I tore. Until it was done.

Doom Eternal was a game I heard nothing but good things about when it first launched. More times than not I'd hear people say that it was impossible for them to go back to Doom (2016) after playing this game. Having enjoyed the 2016 game, I was excited to get my hands on Eternal. However, I didn't pick it up at launch, as my hands were full with a completely different title that just so happened to release the same day. I wouldn't pick up Doom Eternal until it got that PS5 upgrade, making it look great while not sacrificing performance. When a good sale came around, I snagged the game alongside its DLC packs, hoping to hop into those after I beat the game.

However, I did not, if only because I didn't beat the game back then. There's a reason for that. Doom Eternal's stages are huge. Like, huge huge. Huge as in "It's going to take you over an hour to beat any of these stages if you're being thorough and finding all the things and completing challenges" huge. Between the intensity of combat encounters and the time spent hunting for collectables, I found myself getting exhausted during play sessions quickly. I wouldn't be able to beat more than 2 stages without feeling fatigued, and this turned me off from the game. Because of this, I didn't return to Doom Eternal, leaving it unfinished for years.

At the time of writing this, Doom: The Dark Ages was recently announced, and the trailer did a great job of getting me excited for another dive into the world of Doom. However, the idea of going into that game before beating Eternal didn't sit well with me, so I set out to finish this game once and for all.

The plot of Doom Eternal is a lot more involved than the 2016 game, that's for sure. More people are talking, there's tons of lore hidden everywhere, and there's a sense of urgency that wasn't quite as prevalent in the first game. Story spoilers will be avoided here, but my general thoughts on the plot is that it's alright. It's nothing too revolutionary, but it won't put you to sleep, either. The lore pickups have some interesting details about the world, and the cutscenes can be entertaining, especially with Doom Slayer's insistence of not acknowledging anyone around him directly and instead focusing on what he wants to do next. The way he acts definitely got a few laughs out of me during my playthrough.

The plot isn't the only thing that got deeper in this title, as the gameplay of Doom Eternal is a much more intense beast than the 2016 entry. This game is all about moving fast, thinking fast, shooting fast, and managing resources fast. Ammo is super limited now, and you're deeply encouraged to constantly swap weapons and use supporting moves, such as your grenades, chainsaw and flamethrower to keep monsters on their back foot. Each monster also has its own weaknesses to different guns and shot types, so as you play, you begin to learn which weapons to use against which foes, rather than just mowing through enemies with one gun and not thinking about anything else.

Combat is a ballet act of that mainly consists of you shooting at foes, running out of ammo, using your chainsaw to gain more ammo, performing finishers to regain health when you run low (it will happen more often than you'd think), using your flamethrower to get enemies to drop armor, and making use of grenades and gun attachments to solve the puzzle that is each and every single combat encounter.

When you first start playing this game, keeping all of these things in mind is nothing short of overwhelming. You're going to be going up against new foes, reading the tip that pops up about their weakness (more on that below), and then committing that information to your memory as you shoot and dodge and hope nothing sneaks up on you while you try to use your newfound information to your advantage. This is what made combat exhausting for me back when I first played this game, and even now, I'd find myself breathing a sigh of relief when an encounter was over. However, the more you play Doom Eternal, the more you gain an understanding of how to approach combat encounters. You'll soon find yourself feeling more in control of yourself during fights, identifying monsters immediately and quickly switching to the right gear to take them down.

Knowledge and guns won't be the only things aiding you in combat, however. Hidden all over stages are a plethora of secrets. These can contain items that are immediately useful, such as more ammo, health, armor, and a new item for this game: extra lives. These revive you when you die, allowing you to continue a fight without having to restart an encounter. These are highly valuable and saved me multiple times during my playthrough. They're definitely worth seeking out!

The other items you find in secrets come in multiple flavors. You'll find collectables such as lore bits, music records, and action figures of the various foes you'll encounter, which are always a treat to see. Aside from those, you'll also find items that enhance your abilities, such as upgrades to your maximum health, armor, and ammo storage (guess which I maxed out first), runes to give you special abilities, and tokens that can be spent on general upgrades that do things like enhance your grenades and make you immune to red barrel explosion damage.

These enhancing items aren't required, but they do help make things easier for you in the long run, especially those ammo upgrades, since ammo is very limited in this game. I wound up hunting down every item in every stage in the game, which absolutely inflated my playtime, but I can't resist the good feeling of completely clearing out a map of secrets and goodies. The secrets overall aren't too hard to find, either (especially after you snag an upgrade that shows you the location of each item on the map).

Stages also contain a small number of challenges you can complete for upgrade tokens and batteries to unlock doors containing goodies on the base you return to after most missions. Most of these challenges are really simple to do, being things like "Find x amount of this collectable" or "Exploit an enemy weakness x number of times", which you'll wind up doing naturally in most cases. The only ones that gave me any real reason to think were the "Get x amount of different glory kills on this enemy type" ones, since I now had to think about how my positioning would affect my glory kills on enemies. However, I found a glitch where if I reloaded the checkpoint right after getting a glory kill on a mission-related foe I could re-do the same one and it would count it so it can be cheesed (at least on PS5. I'm not sure if this glitch exists in other versions of the game).

What's good about these mission rewards is that the game gives you more of these items than you require to max out everything (when including collectables hidden in stages), so if you're thorough for most of the game you can afford to skip later missions as they won't do anything for you by then.

Perhaps one of the most interesting things you can stumble upon in maps are Slayer Gates. Once you find the key for these, you can enter these and take on a difficult combat room that will put your skills to the test. These were easily one of the best and most stressful parts of the game, with you being in a medium-sized arena with tons of foes spawning in to make mincemeat outta you. No matter how prepared you are going in, you'll be breathing a sigh of relief as you exit.

Speaking of combat encounters, I would like to take a moment to praise how well the enemy variety was handled. There's a healthy number of foes present here, with new terrifying monsters being added to the roster every few stages. Each time you encounter a new foe, you're given a pop-up that tells you what the monster is and how to exploit its weaknesses, whether you're shooting off a part of it to make it weaker or you're using a weapon that's more effective at interrupting their attacks. Every enemy in the game has a weakness, and part of the fun is memorizing them and taking them into account when heading into combat, turning encounters into puzzles that make you feel smart for making the right calls with your shot types.

Enemies from the original Doom and Doom II are present here, as well as some newcomers. Of the new enemies for this game, one of them stands out for many players as being one of the most arduous to face. They are known as the Marauder. They will block all of your shot types, even the most powerful ones. Get too close, and they'll shoot you with a shotgun. Be too far away and they'll throw their axe at you. They can also summon a ghost wolf to attack you. How do you deal with this threat? Well, you have to get in a sweet spot that isn't too close or too far away and then they'll do an attack where their eyes flash brightly during the windup. Once this happens, you need to shoot them with a powerful enough gun to stun them. When they're stunned, you can get in another powerful shot before they get back to normal. Rinse and repeat until they become a pile of gore.

Fighting them sounds simple on paper but during gameplay they can prove to be the most annoying enemies in the game, especially when you're also surrounded by other foes. The Marauders are very demanding of your attention, being relentless in their assault when they're present. Of course, if there's other foes around you can't just stand there and fight them the way you need to because everyone else in the room will tear you apart. What comes of this is a juggling act where you're dancing around the Marauder while trying to get rid of enough of the other enemies to make fighting them more comfortable, which is annoying. Once you deal with enough of these dudes it becomes no hassle but when the pressure's on you really feel it.

Sadly, this same issue comes up with some of the boss fights in the game. The bosses have great designs and are interesting to take down, but more often than not they're going to be constantly summoning enemies to support them, causing you to be in this same situation where you want to focus on the boss, but the infinitely spawning enemies are going to end your life if you do that, so you need to also focus on them. You also need to take these enemies into account when your health, ammo and armor are running low because they are going to be your main way of getting these resources back up. If you focus too much on the common fodder, though, the bosses can kill you with ease while you're distracted since they tend to have stronger attacks then the adds they summon. It only gets worse as you face tougher bosses with more intense attacks while they're summoning tankier enemies that also do tons of damage.

The cherry on the top is just how noisy the HUD gets when you're struggling. There's a red hue all around the screen when your health is low. There are flashing messages about you being low on health and ammo. The screen's shaking because Pinky's are charging at you and enemy shots are knocking you around. All of this is happening while you're trying to dodge around and think on your feet about what you need to do to get out of this rut and it quickly becomes a nightmare. A survivable nightmare, but a nightmare, nonetheless.

Thankfully, setting the game to an easier skill level can mitigate this a bit, and the game will offer you a powerful armor set that greatly reduces damage taken if you die too many times, so using these can make the game feel a little less intimidating if you're not used to intense shooters like this one.

One last thing I want to talk about is the music. IT ROCKS! Mick Gordon did an astounding job with the soundtrack. The tunes are intense and fit each combat encounter perfectly, and the ambience that follows you as you explore stages outside of combat is very nice. It's a shame Bethesda did him dirty because his touch on this series will be missed. If you're not gonna play the game, I will at least implore you to check out the soundtrack. You'll find some new tunes to pump iron to very quickly!

Despite all of my issues with this game, I did enjoy my time with Doom Eternal. The gunplay is great, the enemies are interesting, the story is neat, and the music is astounding. However, the intensity of the gameplay and the length of stages (if you're a collectable hunter) can easily push newcomers away. I strongly recommend setting the game to an easier skill level if you aren't used to this type of shooter. Looking back, I probably would've enjoyed the game more if I set it to easy but the idea of doing that felt wrong to me. The next time I play a game like this, though, I may swallow my pride.

I recommend checking out Doom Eternal if you haven't already. It tends to go on steep discounts sometimes, so definitely jump in when a sale is going on!

[Average Reading Time: 6 Minutes]

I wasn't expecting to get so caught off guard by this game.

The Silent Hill franchise is one that I've never dabbled too deeply in before. At most before the start of this year, I had watched some video reviews of the games, but that was years ago, so needless to say those memories have mostly faded away. Now, with the push Konami is giving to the Silent Hill franchise, more people are talking about and playing the original games than ever.

Of these games, Silent Hill 2 seemed to be the most celebrated of them all. More fans of this franchise are quick to recommend this game than any other, from what I've seen. With most memories of those reviews long gone, I decided now would be the time I finally see what makes people go gaga for Silent Hill 2.

I was not prepared for this game.

Silent Hill 2 is a horror action game that puts us in the shoes of James Sunderland, a man who receives a letter from his wife telling him to meet her in a town known as Silent Hill. The problem? His wife died three years ago! Now, it becomes your task to figure out what's going on here. Along the way, you'll encounter a number of terrifying foes as well as other people who were drawn to the town, each having their own reasons for being there. You'll learn more about these people and their lives as you progress, as well as about James and his relationship with his wife.

Personally, I found the plot of this game to be deeply interesting. There's no shortage of twists and jaw-dropping situations. The story is very well-told, and it highly encourages players to pick up on all of the little things around you. How do certain things relate to others? Why are enemies designed like that? What makes these locations you visit so significant? The more you play the game and pay attention to these details, the more you find yourself theory-crafting as you try to solve the hidden mysteries that surround the town of Silent Hill. It's highly rewarding to see how well your assumptions match up to later details you learn as you play more. Because of this, I will of course be avoiding story spoilers for this review. If you've never played or seen this game in action before, then I highly implore you to play this game blind. Know as little as possible about the story before you go in. You'll get so much more out of the experience if you do!

This has easily become one of my favorite stories in games. It's told in such a clever way that it makes me excited thinking about revisiting the game one day years down the line, viewing the cutscenes and exchanges between characters and seeing how what I know about the game's story shapes how I view these scenes compared to when I went in mostly blind.

As this is a horror game released in early 6th gen, we have tank controls to move James around, as it was the style at the time. For many, these controls can be awkward. However, I found them to be very fitting for this title. The slow turning and having to think about how you're facing before you start moving added a good amount of tension, especially in situations where you're surrounded by foes. As you grow accustomed to the controls, keeping in mind things like how pushing up on the directional pad will always move you forward, you'll soon find yourself using these controls to your advantage, rather than working with them awkwardly. With enough time, you'll be watching James zoom through hallways and streets while hunting for items and keys, making gradual and accurate turns down halls and street corners without getting caught on surrounding geometry.

Moving isn't the only thing James can do, though. He can fight, as well! You'll quickly find yourself with a melee weapon to bring down the monsters around you, and later on you'll be able to find other melee weapons and also guns to use to safely dispatch foes. James also has a move of his own: a weak looking stomp. Note how I said weak looking. Despite how dainty it looks in an animation, it instantly defeats any basic enemy. After discovering this, the combat gameplay loop for me during my playthrough was as follows: shoot/whack an enemy until they fall on the floor, walk over to them, and stomp on them to finish them off.

Does this trivialize combat a bit? A little. However, you're not immune to the dangers that come with combat during this process. If an enemy closes the distance between you and them, they're gonna take a swing at you, and you're going to get hurt since there's no method to dodge attacks besides running away, which isn't easy when you're in a tight hallway and there's more than one enemy lurking around. Ammo, of course, is limited, so you're constantly asking yourself, "Should I save ammo by melee-ing them to the ground and risk taking some damage? Or should I take shots now to avoid damage and hope there's more ammo waiting for me soon?" It's this aspect of the combat that made me enjoy engaging with it a lot. Hits are satisfying, and taking down a foe is relieving. It can get tough, but it's nothing you can't overcome.

Along with combat are a plethora of puzzles to solve. There's your typical code and key hunting (which is made easier thanks to James actively focusing his gaze on items you can pick up in any room you enter, which is an astoundingly useful feature!), but there will also be times where you'll be presented with a riddle to solve, requiring you to find hints as well as any items required to solve said riddle. You'll also, of course, need to figure out the proper solution by analyzing these things carefully. I found riddle solving to be highly satisfying in this game. As a fan of the Professor Layton games, I'm not one to shy away from the occasional brain-teaser. The puzzles here were a joy to solve!

It's also worth noting something unique that this game does regarding the riddles and combat: these each have their own separate difficulty modifier! For example, of you're more into intense combat scenarios and less into puzzles, you can turn combat difficulty up while turning riddle difficulty down. The same goes for those who like intense puzzles but dislike heavy combat. Turn riddle difficulty up and combat difficulty down! It's such a smart system, and while I played this game keeping both levels on Normal, it made me curious about how future playthroughs would go if I tweaked these settings in one way or the other, especially that riddle setting.

As you take on foes and solve tricky puzzles, you'll be constantly taking in the environments of Silent Hill. The atmosphere of this game is very well done! The town is lonely and chilling. More times than not, music is traded for ambiance as you're treated to the simple sounds of a long-abandoned town. The howling winds, the whirs of machinery that was never shut down, the echoing sounds of your footsteps though cramped hallways. All these and more populate this mysterious town. When there is music, it can be somber and sad, or it can be intense and alarming. Every song used in this game suits the environments in which they are used perfectly.

The visuals also go a far way to sell the dreariness of Silent Hill. Cars long-abandoned litter the streets. Homes long overdue for a new paint job along with stores with fading signs and broken windows are around every corner. The insides of buildings often torn apart, with countless broken doors and ruined hallways. It all sells the loneliness of this town so well. It really is just James and a small amount of other people trying to make sense of a long-deserted town that is now the home of countless terrifying monsters. This, along with the fixed camera angles that show you the right views to really ingrain the idea that you really shouldn't be here, does wonders to solidify the helpless atmosphere of this town.

A casual playthrough took me around 9 hours. After that, I immediately went back in for two more runs, with the first replay being 4 hours and the second being only 2! Needless to say, it's very easy to find yourself becoming one with speed running the game after clearing it the first time! Also, on repeat playthroughs, some number combinations and puzzle solutions will randomize, which does a good job of keeping you on your toes even if you know your way around already!

It should be clear as day at this point but in case it isn't I'll say this now: I love this game. My only regret is that I never tried to give it a chance sooner. As I've gotten more into horror media as of late, I find myself with a lot of catching up to do. Personally, I'm glad I got to experience this game in general, since it's such a good time! I can't recommend this game enough!

In regard to the remake that isn't out at the time of me writing this review, I will say this: If a good chunk of the average player's run isn't being spent checking countless doors for the one that's actually unlocked, then it fails instantly. I will never forget the timeless quote, "It looks like the lock is broken. I can't open it.", and once you play Silent Hill 2, neither will you!

[Average Reading Time: 9 Minutes]

I don't deserve to eat this well.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is one of those games that I was fortunate enough to grow up with back when it was out on the GameCube. It wouldn't be for some number of years down the road that I would actually beat it (kid me didn't really know how to strategize and couldn't beat the final boss), and since then I had always had an itch to return to it.

When this remake was announced late last year, my jaw hit the floor. I froze. Couldn't move for 40 minutes. Here it was, my #11 favorite game of all time getting a beautiful remake, and I would get to play it! For years, Paper Mario fans have been dying for this game to escape the GameCube, and I believe that with this remake, it escaped elegantly!

The first thing I want to mention are the visuals. This remake goes above and beyond with how characters are presented to you. Not only do they look stunning in HD, but they're so much more lively now! There are new animations for everyone, allowing for them to further express emotions and let their personalities shine through.

It's not just the main cast, either! Almost every NPC has new poses that they enter as they speak, giving a lot more life to their interactions. It was always a joy talking to NPC's I've interacted with in the original and seeing them bursting with life as they tell me about things like how they're crushing on their coworker or how them and their sisters are travelling the world. Absolute eye candy with the characters here!

Of course, the world itself got a major visual overhaul, as well. They strived to aim for the more paper craft inspired style of the newer Paper Mario games here. Personally, I always enjoyed the visual direction of the newer games, despite their varying levels of quality as games as a whole. Seeing The Thousand-Year Door adopt these visuals was a welcome treat for me.

If I had one minor nitpick about it, though, it would be just how reflective surfaces are. Most floors in the game are super shiny, like someone just waxed them before Mario and co. came in and started running around. For some areas it's fine, but it's a little jarring in others. For example, the first chapter starts in a grassy field. Despite this, Mario has a reflection in the grass as he runs through it. Once again, it's nothing deal-breaking by any means. It's just weird.

Along with the visuals, the music and sounds also got some reworks! All of the songs from the original game have been recomposed and are fully orchestrated. As someone who enjoys revisiting older titles using modifications to replace the original soundtracks with orchestral rearrangements (read more about those here if you're interested!), hearing these new takes on older tracks was a treat! Of course, music is subjective, and some tracks may sound better to you than others, but personally I had no real complaints about the new score here. They also add in completely new tracks to spice up cutscenes, which I enjoyed greatly.

It also helps that they went above and beyond with the music by giving each chapter its own remixes of various themes heard throughout the game! As soon as I realized this was happening, I just said to myself "Oh man, they're so smart this is SO GOOD!" This includes battle music as well as music used in specific cutscenes. It made visiting each chapter even more exciting for me, since it meant I would be hearing more new arrangements of these songs I knew so well growing up!

It's also worth noting that if you miss the original score, there is a badge you can acquire early in the game very easily that will allow you to listen to the original soundtrack as you play. Personally, I didn't use it, but it is there for those of you that would rather hear the original soundtrack. Thankfully, you'll be able to hear the new tracks made specifically for this remake with this badge equipped, so you won't have to worry about missing out on any of the new content with it on!

When it comes to the sound effects, a lot has changed here. A number of sounds from the original have been replaced, and while I'll miss them, I'm not going to lose sleep over them being gone. They did retain the sounds Charles Martinet recorded for the original release, which is welcome. Speaking of character voices, every NPC has one now! It basically amounts to being Banjo-Kazooie style grunts as text pops up, but I think it's a fun addition. Some of the sounds are a little weird, but for the most part I think it did a great job making the characters you meet feel more alive, allowing for me to get a better idea of how they sound when speaking in my head (Grubba will always be Foghorn Leghorn to me, though).

Along with cosmetic changes, a number of things were done to improve the quality of the gameplay experience as a whole. First off, you can collect up to 9,999 coins instead of 999 now, which is a massive game-changer since you won't be worrying as much about making sure you aren't sitting on too many coins at any time, especially when you invest in somebody's business venture.

They also added a dedicated party member wheel button. Players of the original will remember having to hit a d-pad button to bring up the party screen and then having to scroll over to the party member they want out on the field. It was simple, but far from snappy. What they added here is basically a party member quick select menu that's super easy to use. This simple addition improves the pacing a lot, especially when you enter later areas that have you swapping out party members often to solve puzzles.

Next, I want to bring up the changes they made to chapter shortcut pipes. In the original, you weren't able to access any chapter shortcuts until clearing chapter 3 at the earliest, and by the time you're at the endgame, you'll only have shortcuts to 4 out of the 7 major chapter locations in the game. All of this has changed in the remake. In the remake, you can access chapter shortcuts as early as after finishing chapter 1! Not only that, but there is now a shortcut to every major chapter location in the game. One pipe for each chapter up to chapter 7. This means no more having to run over to the blimp and taking that to access chapter 3's location, for example.

Also, all of these pipes are in one room and are properly labelled. This isn't even the best part. The best part is that now, you can access this room from a pipe that connects directly to the center square of Rogueport! Using shortcuts has never been simpler than it is here. This also helps immensely with a specific scenario in chapter 7 that now turns from a tedious nightmare into a simple task thanks to the addition of these pipes!

There is one last major quality of life change I want to mention. We need to talk about chapter 4's structure.

Chapter 4 of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is very infamous for the absurd amount of backtracking it asks of the player. You're constantly going from one end of the chapter to the other, over and over to progress the plot. Chapter 4's structure is easily one of the most complained about parts of that game, and it is a strong deterrent from those who think of replaying the game.

I am glad to say that they fixed chapter 4. At one point during the chapter, you gain access to a pipe that connects between both ends of the area. The way they did it makes perfect sense, too, as you unlock it at a point where there would be no major difference to how you approach the trip gameplay wise. My jaw dropped when I realized what they did, and I could not be happier about their decision here. One of the biggest issues with the original game is now completely gone, and now I can revisit this title without groaning about certain parts of it.

There are also some extra goodies hidden in here for explorative players. By finding all of the Shine Sprites (items that upgrade party members) in any given chapter, you unlock the ability to listen to the music from that chapter from the pause menu! You also get rewards for collecting all of the Star Pieces (items that can be traded for badges) in any chapter in the form of concept art! Playing this remake was the first time I went out of my way to collect all of the Star Pieces, and I am happy I did as the artwork you unlock is stunning, to say the least!

With all of these changes and additions out of the way, it's time to ask the real question: how does it play? When I realized this game would be running at half the framerate of the original back when we were getting more trailers, I was a little worried that it would have a strong negative effect on my muscle memory when it came to pulling off stylish moves and super guards.

Once the game started proper, I got into my first battle. My muscle memory kicked in. My super guards and stylish moves all went off perfectly. I was back.

Needless to say, my worries about the framerate were immediately put to rest. The game feels great to play as it is now! Of course, if this game gets an FPS boost on the Switch 2, that would be very welcome, but as it is now, it's more than playable, so if you were worried about the framerate, I can assure you that it's not a major issue that will hold you back!

As for how my playthrough went, I can say it went great! For this playthrough, I did something I never truly did before: I opted for a danger-focused build. I got a small taste of it back when I played Paper Mario: TTYD 64, a Paper Mario hack that you can read more about here. Since then, I wanted to see how well it would go if I focused a build solely around that, and boy, did it serve me well!

For those unaware, in the Paper Mario games, when Mario is at 5 HP, he enters a state that shows that he is in danger, prompting the player to consider healing him. However, there are badges that take advantage of this "danger" state. There's one that reduces the amount of damage you take while in this state, for example. There's also one that raises your evasion, causing enemies to miss their attacks more often.

There is one badge, however, that shines above the rest, known as Power Rush. This badge raises Mario's attack stat by 2 when he is in danger. Sounds pretty small on paper, right? Only 2 damage? Why is it a big deal? Well, there are two things about this badge that make it stand out. One is that it is relatively cheap to equip, only requiring one badge point. The other thing is that there is no limit on how many of this badge you can equip.

Let's do some math. There is a badge in this game that raises your attack stat by 1 at the cost of 6 badge points. If you instead equipped 6 Power Rush badges for the same point cost, you'd raise Mario's attack by 12! This is an absolute game changer, and a popular build for a reason. It's also helped by the fact that there's a character in the game that can reduce your max HP to be 5, allowing you to remain in a danger state permanently.

Doing this was an absolute thrill for me. I was facing some of the toughest enemies in the game and erasing them from existence with ease. This is easily the most powerful I have ever felt in any video game. I was able to do something I have never done before when playing this game, which is clear the Pit of 100 Trials, which is an optional dungeon with enemies tougher than anything you'll fight in the main game. I went in there with this build and emerged with barely a scratch on me. I felt so strong, and I loved it.

Now, as much as I love this build, I highly implore those who have not played this game before to not think about such things as they play. Enjoy the game casually and do what feels right to you. Tune your build your own way and save the special builds like this one for later runs. As powerful as they are, the game kind of becomes a joke if you do it, so you lose out on a ton of the impact that certain boss fights can have on you when they appear before you.

Overall, I loved my time with this remake. It was everything I imagined it would be and more. Personally, I feel that this remake completely replaces the original for me, thanks mostly to all of the quality of life features they've added to make the game snappier. I cannot recommend this game enough. Whether you're new to Paper Mario or a series veteran, you'll find plenty to love in this game!

[Average Reading Time: 7 Minutes]

A search action game that deserves to be remembered.

The Adventure Island series of games has always been a smaller curiosity of mine. I've played the NES entries in short bursts, never reaching the end of any of them due to the difficulty. Back when the Wii Shop was still alive, I bought and beat Adventure Island: The Beginning, which did little to impress me. Despite loving the SNES and its library, I never sought out the Adventure Island games that were released on it. After all this time of letting these entries live in my subconscious, I felt that now was the time to finally see first-hand what they were cooking for Nintendo's 16-bit juggernaut.

While the focus of this review will be its sequel, I would like to say a few words regarding Super Adventure Island. Those words are these: I didn't like it. 3 lives, 3 continues, 1 hit deaths and highly awkward platforming make this entry an annoying game to clear, despite its short length. There is another reason I'm telling you this, though. Chances are if you played that game and didn't enjoy it, you may have immediately written off playing the sequel, assuming it would be more of the same with barely any improvements to make it stand out. Oh, I am so happy to say that is not the case.

Much like games such as Knack 2 and Red Steel 2, Super Adventure Island II is a sequel that does away with the bad of the prior entry and introduces a wealth of gameplay that makes you wish the game was called anything else so you wouldn't have looked at it and thought of its lesser earlier entry. Unlike Knack 2 and Red Steel 2, though, Super Adventure Island II moves away from the previous game in such a large way that it's surprising to see that this is even in the same series!

Super Adventure Island II (which I'll be abbreviating to SAI2 from here on out) is a search action game in the same vein as the Metroid series of games. Funnily enough, SAI2 came out 5 months after Super Metroid, but I digress. Now, rather than simply running to the right while collecting fruit and throwing tomahawks, you'll be exploring open stages, collecting weapons and armor, and finding key items that allow you to explore more of the world.

Even the story gets a bit of an upgrade here. The game opens with Master Higgins and his newly wed wife Tina riding across the sea, celebrating their honeymoon. Their leisure-filled journey is brought to a halt when they're knocked off their raft by a storm shaking up the seas. They both wake up on different islands with their memories completely wiped. Master Higgins sets out to regain his memories, and Tina is found by the king of Waku-Waku Island, who falls in love with her and proceeds to marry her. During the wedding, though, Tina is kidnapped. Master Higgins arrives to the castle as this occurs and begins his quest to save Tina as requested by the king, oblivious to the fact that the woman he's saving is his wife.

Considering the simple setups of previous entries in the series (the prior Super game's story was just that a freaky little dude turned Tina to stone for no reason. Very deep.), this is quite a step up. I actually enjoyed watching the story unfold, as you get cutscenes after each boss fight showing Tina and Master Higgins beginning to remember each other. There's some quirkiness to the dialogue that caught me off-guard, as well. For example, you can rest at the castle which will result in Tina appearing to you in a dream to give you some guidance on what you need to do next. At the end of one of these hints, she commented that she was missing her "soaps", which got a good chuckle out of me. While the story here isn't revolutionary, I'm very happy with what's here, and feel it does a satisfying job keeping you interested in the plot.

When it comes to the gameplay, there's a lot to cover. Let's start with how Master Higgins feels to control in general. Compared to the prior entry, this is a step-up in every way. You don't have to rely on momentum for big jumps anymore. Master Higgins controls great in the air. You have a run button now. It's amazing how well they fixed the issues with the controls of the last game, and this is just for how he moves and jumps!

Combat in this game is way more involved. You start out with your fists, but as you explore you find weapons and armor to equip, as well as shields to block small projectiles. Most of the weapons you'll find come in the form of swords, allowing you to slice at enemies both on the ground and in the air. There's also a number of other types of weapons to find, such as daggers that can be thrown at distant foes and fireballs that spin around you. Experimenting with weapons is a lot of fun in this game and it allows you to develop your own strategies to take down foes and bosses in your path.

With an armor system, we also get one of the most important changes made for this game: NO MORE ONE-HIT KILLS! Ooooh, boy, it feels so good to have a health bar in an Adventure Island game for once. As you explore, you'll even find upgrades to make your health bar bigger! After playing the previous game and dealing with those annoying one-hit deaths, it feels like such a breath of fresh air to not die instantly because I let a weird flying fox touch me or something. Speaking of dying, the penalty for death isn't too bad here, either. You simply restart at the entrance of the island you're on with everything you collected so far still in your inventory. Man, it almost feels like they're apologizing for years of unfair retro gaming practices in the form of a game that actually respects your time and I'm all here for it!

Speaking of islands, there's a few to sail between and explore. You travel via raft on the overworld to each one, with each large island being its own level. There's also a number of side paths on the overworld that lead to more upgrades and progression items, so exploration is rewarded well here! Another quirk of overworld travel is that there are random encounters, which is weird since there's no exp system at all. They kind of exist to slow you down, but they're over as quickly as they start. They kinda function like overworld encounters in Zelda 2, where you're dropped in the middle of a screen with some enemies around you and you have to reach the left or right end of the screen to get out. Very simple and more of an annoyance than anything else.

Along with a health bar, Master Higgins also gains the ability to wield magic! Once you find a wand, you'll be able to use all sorts of spells to even the playing field when the going gets tough. At the start, you'll just have a spell that returns you to the start of a stage (useful for when you revisit islands for missed items), but as you collect magic upgrades, you'll gain access to even more spells to cast, from healing moves to attacking moves to fast travel! Fast travel in a SNES game! It's hard to believe, but it's real!

Enemies will also drop health and magic refills, so there's not often too much of a worry about keeping either level up. Enemies can also drop coins, which can be spent to teach Master Higgins new moves, such as pushing rocks and doing Zelda 2 style upward and downward stabs, which not only aid with progression but also in combat! Coins are also used to rest at the castle to hear Tina complain about missing her shows while she gives you hints. There's one other use for coins, though...

ENTER THE CASINO! So there's a casino hiding in the world of SAI2, and in it lies the best equipment in the game. However, it's a casino, so they're not gonna give these to you cheap. You're gonna have to play casino games, like slots, to earn enough dosh to get yourself suited up with crazy powerful gear! Now, I'd like to state that this game is very beatable without grinding the casino for gear. I will admit, though, that I spent over 3 hours grinding the casino game "Run for Doe" (think horse race betting except the horses are enemies you fight) to get enough funds for the best equipment and I don't regret it at all, so it's entirely up to you if you're down for that kind of grind!

Honestly, though, I don't think I would've bothered with the casino at all if I didn't like this game. I genuinely loved my time with this game from beginning to end, even with the casino grind. The soundtrack is fun, the gameplay feels great, getting stronger gear and new magic moves is highly satisfying, and the story kept me interested for once. There's not much more I can say other than this: If you enjoy search action games, you owe it to yourself to try Super Adventure Island II!

[Average Reading Time: 8 Minutes]

A mute, a drunken womanizer, a french fashionista, and a momma's boy are working together to take down a big bad guy. Surely they would work better together if the game worked at all!

I discovered my love for the Dragon Quest series of games a little over half a decade ago when I downloaded the mobile version of the first game on a whim. Since then, I've always been excited to see the future of the series, as well as the spin-offs released in the past. One spin-off that caught my attention was the Wii game, Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors. That's a mouthful, so from here on out, I'll simply refer to it as Dragon Quest Swords.

Dragon Queest Swords offers a very unique gameplay experience. It's what I would call a rail action RPG. Imagine a rail shooter. You're constantly moving forward until you have to stop to shoot at enemies. Now, replace shooting enemies with slashing a sword at monsters. On paper, it sounds interesting. Not many games opt for a melee focus when being on-rails. As interesting as it is though, we must ask an important question: Does it stick the landing?

Sadly, I can't say that it does. So, to attack, you must swing the Wii remote. Of course, it's not as simple as just swinging the remote. Moving the controller in specific directions executes slashes in specific directions. Swing vertically for a vertical slice, horizontally for a horizontal slice, you get the idea. You also have a stab move, which requires you to thrust the controller towards the screen. This all sounds simple, but you must also remember that this was a Wii game that released in 2007, which means it's less than accurate, to say the least. Sometimes you'll swing the sword and wind up stabbing. Sometimes you'll stab and wind up swinging. This gets highly annoying, especially as you begin to encounter monsters that are more effectively taken down by specific moves.

Along with slashing, you are also able to focus your strikes on a specific area of the screen by moving the cursor to a specific spot and hitting A. This helps with targeting, allowing you to have vertical and horizontal slices go through areas that they normally wouldn't and allowing for stabs to hit a specific spot when the input feels like being read by the game.

This also helps with targeting specific enemy attacks that can be reflected with a sword strike. Many enemies will shoot projectiles that you can either only block with your shield, can either block or deflect with a sword strike, or reflect back at a foe with a sword strike. This all depends on the color of the move as the prompts appear to you before they make contact. At first, it's as simple as seeing the telegraph, highlighting the area the move is going to land and hitting A, and then swinging the sword when the timing is right to send it back. As the game goes on, though, you'll begin encountering scenarios where you're on the receiving end of multiple of these moves rapidly, requiring you to react accordingly quickly. Many times I've been hit with multiple deflectable moves because I was only able to deflect one and didn't have enough time to set up for another deflection.

You'll also have times where the deflection zones line up with where a slash would go without doing the A button setup, and other times where you're getting hit by multiple deflecting moves at once in a line and now you need to hope that when you do the specific sword strike the game is asking for, it registers properly. Input delay is very real with this game, as well, which does not help with these moves that require specific timing.

Thankfully, this isn't all the game offers in terms of combat gameplay. At any time, you can open your inventory to use a healing item, or have your party member (when you get one) use an attacking, restorative, or buffing spell to even the odds. You also have access to "Master Strokes", which are your special moves that deal big damage to all enemies on screen. By hitting foes, you build up a meter that allows you to execute these moves. Fill it up and you can activate these at any time during combat. Of course, in order to do the move you need to move the Wii remote in whatever directions they ask for. Fail to do so properly, and you'll either do less damage with the move or the move will fail to execute!

Despite my problems with the combat, when you're fighting anywhere between 1-3 enemies at a time, it's manageable. Not good, but manageable. It's when you're in scenarios where there's 4+ enemies on screen and you're slashing away at one while the other's readying an attack and now you have to get your shield up and oh no, the enemy you were wailing on moved away from you and now another enemy is healing them and whichever enemy you're now focusing on while any other enemy on the screen can do something to ruin your life...

...is where the game truly falls apart.

It truly is a shame that the combat wound up like this. The Wii was home to a plethora of motion based games, and as I played this game, I began to understand more and more why casual games for the console required less-specific motions with the controller. Motion controls simply weren't at the proper point for a game like this. In an era where VR has lead to an era where motion controls in games are more reliable than ever, leading me to want to experience them more, I can only say that Dragon Quest Swords was ahead of its time. Had it released in this generation as a VR title, I feel that it wouldn't have suffered from these problems. At the very least, I would be able to stab at an enemy and actually pull it off on the first try.

So, outside of the combat, we also have a town to explore. Here you can buy items to restore health, as well as equipment to raise your stats. You can also temper your sword, making it more powerful and allowing you access to more Master Strokes. It's also here where the bulk of the plot happens, which is very basic, for the most part. There are twists here and there and there are stakes, but it never really feels too compelling, sadly.

What is fun here are the character designs and the voice acting. I'll start with the voice acting first. The cast is pretty well-directed, and the actors pull off their lines very well. Hearing people speak to me in this world was one of the highlights, since there are some fun writing bits here and there.

Since this is a Dragon Quest game, we have Akira Toriyama (RIP) doing the designs for the cast. The enemies are wonderful looking, as always. The main party also hosts a number of interesting designs. One of my favorites has to be Claymore, who's the protagonist's father. As you explore the town and fight baddies, you see a number of familiar designs all getting the 3D model treatment, and they all translate really well! It's because of this that I find Fleurette's design to be funny in comparison since she clashes so much with the world around her. It's a great design, don't get me wrong, but she looks like she walked into the wrong game and just kinda hung out there!

As much as I enjoy the characters and world here, it does not save the gameplay. Through some effort, you can get far and beat it, but I found myself stopping right at the final boss. Without spoiling ANYTHING SPECIFIC, here's why. So, the final boss has a special move they can pull off, and when they do you are prompted to slash repeatedly at the screen to reduce damage as much as possible. Despite almost filling the meter keeping track of my strokes on the side of the screen completely, I was one-hit killed by the move! This never happened at any earlier point in the game. This also happened after a long session with intent of beating the game, which did not add to my mood that night.

Despite being a spin-off, it still has that Dragon Quest blood and wants you to grind! Want cash for better armor or levels to keep your stats beefy? Better go spend a non-specific amount of time grinding for it! Before facing the final boss, I never even considered grinding. The difficulty curve was adjusting properly as I played, so I felt no need to ever go back and boost my stats before any stage. Now, right at the end, the game is telling me to go back and do all that? If this were a normal RPG, I would've. However, grinding in Dragon Quest Swords means any additional amount of time flailing your arm around to boost stats. Just thinking about returning to old areas to spend hours swinging that sword around strictly for levels and cash sounds exhausting, physically exhausting. No thanks.

Overall, I can't in good faith recommend anyone play this game. The world is pretty and the characters are fun, but the story is unengaging and the gameplay is dreadful. If this game were to get a remake for VR headsets that took advantage of the developments that have occurred over the 17 years since its initial release, though, I'd happily give it another shot. As it is now, though, I can't implore you enough to STAY AWAY!

One last thing I want to note before I end this review. I want to talk a little more about Claymore. His backstory is that he fought the evil demon five years ago and lost the ability to use his arm to fight as a result. The more I looked at him and thought about him, the more I began to realize that his story is similar to that of Dunban from Xenoblade Chronicles, who also lost the ability to fight with his dominant arm in combat. Then, I began to notice that his voice sounded similar to Dunban's, and I thought to myself "Did they really get this guy to do Dunban's voice for that game? That would be very funny." I then make my way to the MobyGames page for the voice actor, Wayne Forester. As I scrolled though his roles, I did find that he offered his talents for Xenoblade Chronicles. However, it wasn't for Dunban. It was for someone else. It was for... HIM!

[Average reading time: 10 minutes]

A challenging platformer wrapped in a very pretty package.

This isn't my first foray with Croc. I distinctly remember attempting to play through this game a number of years ago and then quitting in world 3 due to a crazy difficulty spike. Now, a few years later, my brain spiders command me to once again control the lovable green reptilian and try to beat this game for good. Of course, I knew what I was getting into, and decided to make one small, yet absurdly essential change to make this game more fun.

Now, anyone who's read my Billy Hatcher review knows my opinions about lives systems in games, and that opinion of mine isn't going away. Because of this, I implemented an unlimited lives cheat for this run. As I go further into detail about my time with Croc, it will become clearer as to why I did this, but I did want to state this early on, just for the sake of clarity regarding my experience this time around.

Now, Croc has a simple story. You witness Croc floating in a basket towards a group of Gobbos, who then adopt and raise him. Soon, Baron Dante makes his presence known, sending his troops to kidnap the Gobbos. The Gobbo King bangs a gong to have Croc sent away from the chaos, allowing Croc the chance to fight back and save his friends!

A simple plot for a simple game. However, the instruction manual gives way more detail about the Gobbo world. Reading it will teach you more about the Gobbos as a species, the Gobbo King, referred to as "King Rufus the Intolerant", Croc's experiences growing up with the Gobbos, and even information about Baron Dante's evil group, referred to as "The Dantinis". It's also a bizarrely funny read, with a lot of jokes that stick the landing very well. If you want to read something that will make you constantly double take, read the Croc instruction manual!

Once you take control of Croc, you'll immediately notice a point of contention regarding this game: it's a 3D platformer with tank controls. Needless to say, not the most comfortable platforming experience. Even using an analog controller does not fix this issue, sadly. You'll often find yourself stopping to turn yourself to line up a jump, and jumping feels very stiff. Whatever direction you plan on moving in the air is the only direction you're moving, with little room for adjustment. Over time, of course, you'll get used to the platforming mechanics, but you'll never find yourself saying "this feels great to play!"

Aside from running and jumping, Croc has a few extra moves at his disposal. One of the most vital moves he possesses is his ability to turn around! Using a dedicated button, Croc can do a 180 degree turn whenever he wants, which is a godsend for re-orienting yourself to line up another jump. If you do it while he's on the move, he'll do a really cool flip that made me react like this when I first saw it.

As for Croc's combat ability, he has two moves to use. First, he has a tail swipe move that's great for deleting enemies from existence. His other move is a ground pound, performed by hitting the jump button twice. Aside from dispatching enemies, this move will allow Croc to bust open crates and objects blocking tunnel passageways. Gonna be honest here, I don't like that you have to hit jump twice for this. I wish it was mapped to a different button, because I would often have scenarios where I was doing a precision platforming section that required me to jump as soon as I landed on a platform, and if my timing was off slightly it would result in Croc stopping in midair, asserting the ground-pound position, and plummeting to his death. Not fun.

It's also worth noting that when Croc performs his attacking moves, he has a number of onomatopoeia's he can blurt out, such as "yazoo!" or "kersplat!" You would think this would get annoying after a while, but honestly it never bothered me. I think it adds to Croc's character, being a young croco on a big adventure to save a tribe of people who have a tradition of shoving kitchen utensils down their pants (PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL I PROMISE I DIDN'T MAKE THAT UP)

Speaking of Croc as a character, oh man, would you take a look at these little guys! This game is filled to the brim with scrimblo-type characters, little dudes that you're gonna want plushies of as soon as you see them. They're EVERYWHERE! If you love little weirdos and want to catalogue them all, this is the perfect game for you. Absolutely loved seeing each new creature emerge on my screen as I played.

Okay, so we have cute characters in a fuzzy 32-bit world clearly made for kids. The controls take some getting used to but surely the main game doesn't get too taxing, right? Oh, how I wish I could say yes. For the first two worlds, it's honestly a pretty comfortable romp. Level design is highly forgiving, featuring non-intimidating level design unless you're going after collectibles. Once you hit world 3, though, you'll start seeing much more difficult stage layouts requiring you to perform more precise movements to get by. For me, this is where Croc begins to fall in terms of quality.

So, Croc behaves like Sonic the Hedgehog when it comes to taking damage, in that he'll drop this game's ring equivalent (gems) when getting hit. Get hit without them and you'll lose a life. It's around world 3 where you'll begin facing much more challenging platforming over damaging floors and bottomless pits. Because of this, it is incredibly easy to lose lives. Thankfully, you're given a checkpoint at every door/tunnel you exit, which means a death won't set you too far back. Getting a game over, however, sends you back to whichever stage you last saved at, which means starting a level over again from the beginning.

Now, on paper this doesn't seem like too bad of a punishment, but after getting game over's over and over again due to how easy it is for Croc to die I began to find it intolerable, hence why I opted for the unlimited lives cheat. I can accept dying and having to re-do a small section but having to re-do a stage over and over due to game overs, especially when you get close to the end of a stage, just feels intolerable in the modern era. If you want to tackle this game without such assists, then all the power to you. Just be prepared for a lot of level attempts in the back half of the game and lots of visits to specific stages to grind extra lives hidden away in secret spots.

When it comes to collectables in stages, you really only have two to worry about: Gobbos and colored gems. There are six Gobbos hidden in each stage, and collecting all of the Gobbos in the game allow you to access some secret levels that unlock even more secret stuff. Throughout the stage, you'll find five of these Gobbos hidden in boxes, cages, and on hard-to-reach platforms. "Wait hold on five? I thought you said there were six Gobbos in a stage!" So remember when I mentioned colored gems? You can find five of these in each stage either disguised as regular gems or hidden in boxes. Collecting all of these unlocks a door near the end of each stage, where you will either complete a platforming challenge or a minigame to rescue the last Gobbo.

The platforming challenges are straightforward enough. However, it's the minigames where I take issue with this system. While most minigames are perfectly fine, there's one that I dislike immensely. Basically, you have a cauldron that you control by jumping on two arrow buttons. Your goal is to catch the gems descending from the sky. Catch them all and you're awarded a Gobbo. The problems here are that this minigame goes on way too long, and if you miss even one, the mini game ends. You may think "Oh, if I die I can reset the mini game and try again." A smart idea, but sadly not the case. Losing any minigame without securing a Gobbo will require you to beat the entire stage again to retry it. This means re-collecting every Gobbo and colored gem along the way, which is a frustrating process if it happened in a more difficult level, even if you know what you're getting into.

With how difficult the stages can get, you would think the boss fights would also prove to be challenging. Surprisingly, the bosses in this game are absurdly easy. It's your typical "wait for them to attack and hit them when they're vulnerable" type of fights throughout the game, and dodging attacks is as simple as running in a circle around the boss while they do their thing. Also, almost every boss does this thing where they just stop animating and freeze after you deal the final blow, which is always funny to witness.

The more thing I want to touch on is the music. The soundtrack is pretty good! There's some leitmotif sprinkled throughout the stages, with overworld and underground areas sharing some melodies. The title screen is also pretty catchy and may or may not have had a chunk of its melody lifted from it to be a part of a main theme for a Nintendo game.

Speaking of Nintendo, it's worth noting that this game began life as a pitch for a 3D Yoshi game. After the pitch was turned down, it became Croc, and you can kinda see some of that Yoshi blood in here a little bit. You have a green reptile protagonist who can ground pound (a move Yoshi had in Yoshi's Island) as well as a bad guy who uses magic to make smaller creatures into tough boss enemies. Swap the characters for Yoshi's Island ones and add a tongue move and flutter jump to Croc's arsenal and you basically have a Yoshi game, which is fun to think about as you experience this game.

Overall, I didn't hate Croc. I love his design, and the Gobbo Archipelago is fun to explore. The enemies you encounter are all cute and charming, and hearing Croc exclaim things like "Wazoo" never gets old. However, the stage design, especially in the back half of this game, combined with the awkward controls make this a difficult game to clear. I recommend giving this game a shot, despite the difficulty.

The aesthetics of this game invoke an aura of childhood innocence and succeeds at taking you back to a time where things felt simpler, even if the game isn't the easiest around. For that reason alone, I feel that Croc is worth visiting today. Even with the rise of low-poly indie 3D platformers, there's none that I am aware of that really capture the welcoming aesthetics of Croc.

Still the king, baby.

Now, I already reviewed Super Mario World in the past and feel that I said everything I needed to say about this game there. However, as I replayed this game over and over throughout my life, I have yearned for ways to make each new playthrough feel unique. For a while, the randomizer did just that for me, and later on I would experience the joys and hilarity of the ROM hack where the game's stages and music were remade from memory. Now, I return to Super Mario World once more for another twist, focusing entirely on the soundtrack.

For this playthrough, I implemented a ROM hack titled Super Mario World MSU-1 Plus Ultra. For those unaware, MSU-1 is a custom coprocessor designed by the late Near that allows Super Nintendo games to play CD quality audio and full-motion videos. Many modders have taken advantage of this coprocessor to do insanely impressive things with Super Nintendo games. Look at this video of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, for example. This is what the coprocessor looks and sounds like in action!

Many games have been given MSU-1 upgrades over the years, and Super Mario World is no exception to this. In fact, MSU-1 mods for this game have had an interesting development history. At first, there were just mods that swapped the music for more orchestral sounding remixes of the music tracks, which is the standard protocol for these mods. Following these would come a more ambitious mod, titled Super Mario World MSU+, which not only swaps the original tracks for CD quality music, but also introduces voice clips for characters and implements the use of different remixes of the overworld music depending on which region of the map you're currently in. I've played that version and loved it, finding it to be a refreshing way to experience this game.

Years later after the release of this mod, however, we would be gifted with an even more ambitious mod in the form of Super Mario World MSU-1 Plus Ultra. Not only did this mod implement everything from Super Mario World MSU+. It also made it possible for every stage in the game to have its own unique remix. This means that the soundtrack of Super Mario World has been expanded to 130 unique tracks!

Needless to say, I've been dying to get into this mod and hear all the music within, and after a breezy 96 exit run of this game, I can say genuinely that this is an amazing way to experience (or re-experience) Super Mario World. It's exciting to drop into a stage and hear an entirely new remix. It could be orchestral, jazzy, rock, or something else! Your ears are certainly in for a treat with this mod!

The best part of this and other MSU-1 mods is that they are fully playable on the most recent models of flash carts, such as the FXPak Pro, for example. You're going to be hearing CD quality music and voice lines from characters in a day 1 Super Nintendo game all on real hardware! It's beyond impressive, and every so often as I play mods like these, I can't help but think of how much these advancements blow me away.

If you love the Super Nintendo and want to see what their games would be like if they had a bit of that Sega CD energy (complimentary) in them, I highly implore you to check out the MSU-1 Hacks Database and try some of these mods for yourself! They take a bit more of set-up to get running than your usual ROM hack, but the extra work is worth it to see and hear how these games get enhanced by this technology!

[Average Reading Time: 9 minutes]

The first-person shooter genre was rocked by Goldeneye in 1997 and then rocked again by Half-Life in 1998. In 1999, it would be time for EA and Dreamworks Interactive to rock the genre once more with Medal of Honor.

Medal of Honor is a military shooter set during towards the end of World War II. Players take the role of Jimmy Patterson as he completes 7 missions for the OSS, each being broken up into 3-4 action-packed stages. Alongside this is a multiplayer mode that allows you to have shootouts with your friends. I haven't gotten to play much of the multiplayer, so this review will focus on the single-player aspects of this game.

Firstly, let me say that the presentation is immaculate. When you get past the developer logos and loading screen you're put in the War Room, which is your main menu. You'll be checking different areas of the room to check out things like the options and your stats, and while you do this, you'll hear the ambiance of the office activities while watching people walk between rooms. It's very cozy, and you'll quickly find it to be a comforting space. Hang out in the war room long enough without touching the controller, and you'll be treated to some trailers for the game. This was a treat to discover, and it made me wish more games were proud enough of their advertisements to stick them into the game as a way of preserving them.

Soon, you'll find your way to the first mission. Before each mission, you're briefed on what your objective is for the mission as war footage plays on a projector. You're being briefed vocally by Colonel Stanley Hargrove (voiced by William Morgan Sheppard), who proves to be a friendly yet stern superior. Hearing him speak to you about the missions was relaxing and fun, and I was surprised to hear moments where he felt a personal connection so some of your missions. The vocal performance easily enhanced the feeling of going into battle.

Before going into each stage of a mission, you are handed a note from Manon, a liaison from the French Resistance. She gives you an overview of each stage, letting you know things like what kinds of weapons the enemy are carrying, what your objectives are, and hints about secrets. It was always enjoyable reading her letters, hearing about her experiences as she fed you information about the Nazi's plans.

She's basically the equivalent of a radio buddy in a 7th gen game except her letters only pop up between stages, which is really funny when you do something like sneak onto a U-Boat minutes before it departs. How did she get the letter to you after you got on? How did she even know you successfully made it in the first place, considering how tight the timing was? Is she just anticipating you clearing all the objectives flawlessly and is writing letters in advance? Does Jimmy just receive all her letters in bulk before each mission? These are all questions we may never get answers to. I'll just pretend Manon is some French deity who has the mystical ability to keep Jimmy informed at all times and leave it at that.

With your briefings over, it's finally time to begin the game proper. The first thing you'll notice is how dark the game is, visually speaking. At least for me, I needed to crank my TV's brightness setting up in order to see most things. It's at its worst when you're doing outdoor missions at night.

That aside, you'll begin to move and aim and oh man they did it! They almost nailed what would become the standard control scheme for all future first-person shooters! Okay, let me get more specific. Medal of Honor has a number of control presets for the player to choose from. Of them all, I found that Controller Setting 4 came the closest to what would become standard in late 7th gen. The only thing that really upset me about this setting is how the Square and Triangle buttons go unused while R1 does two separate things! They could've easily put reload on Square and it would've felt fine, but what we have here is truly ahead of its time, so despite the shortcomings of this playstyle, I am impressed.

And so you're on your way through your first mission. Thankfully, if you forgot what your objectives were in your letter from Manon, you can pause the game at any time to check what objectives you have, as well as your kill count for that stage (which is important for something I'll get into later). Unlike in games like Goldeneye, you can't fail objectives, so that's one less thing to worry about as you play. Objectives are all required to complete, as well, as the game will refuse to allow you to leave a stage until you finish that checklist.

Most stages will have you going through guns blazing, shooting Nazis left and right while hunting for objectives. Some other stages take a different approach, having you infiltrate Nazi bases in disguise, blending in to tamper with tech and assassinate key officials. To blend in, you have a set of papers documenting your rank in your disguise. By taking out higher ranking Nazis, you can steal their papers and gain access to more areas, which can be a rewarding process that's quite engaging.

At least, it is when it works and the game doesn't pull pranks. There are some enemies that will approach you asking for your documentation, and in the early stealth stages you'll show them the papers and they'll leave you alone. In the later stealth stages, you'll begin to be faced with less trusting Nazis who will see through your disguise and attack you. Perhaps the weirdest part of this is as you try to show them your papers over and over, they'll repeat lines like "Show me your papers!" and "What is your name?" over and over in different pitches. I'm sure that the different pitches exist to make the Nazis all sound distinct, but hearing them come out of one Nazi was just bizarre.

The other prank that can get played on you here occurs when silently taking down some enemies. Most Nazis walking around can be easily neutralized with a headshot from your silenced pistol, which will prevent any other Nazis from being alerted to your presence. Nazis that guard doors that require you to have specific papers pose a unique threat. If you try to silently dispatch them, two Nazi soldiers will spawn in (usually behind you) and they will them quickly drain your life bar. Not the greatest feeling when this happens!

While I thought the stealth missions were an interesting idea, I had the most fun going through the regular action stages. Any stage can have you equipped with up to three guns and one throwable explosive. You get weapons like pistols, SMG's, shotguns and, later in the campaign, a bazooka! The weapon variety isn't very large at all, but what is here is serviceable for your adventure. All of the weapons reload very quickly, as well, leaving little to no downtime during heated shootouts.

My one complaint here is that if you want to use a specific weapon, you need to keep hitting the "Switch Weapon" button until you land on it. This also includes items like grenades, which don't have a unique button for them and are treated as another weapon. Because of this, I barely used grenades, which is a shame because watching Nazis interact with them is highly interesting. Some will lie flat on them to guard their friends from an explosion. Some will kick them away or throw them back. Others will just run from them. You'll also face dog enemies that will pick them up in their mouths and charge at you with them, which can be terrifying!

This isn't where the Nazi animations stop, either. There's a surprising number of animations for them in regard to their reactions to your shots. Their helmets can fly off their heads if you aim at their head, protecting them from a headshot. They might bounce around in pain if you shoot their leg. A powerful shot may knock them on their butt, causing them to take a few moments to get themselves together before standing and shooting at you once more. Of course, a well-aimed shotgun blast or an explosion will send them flying, which is endlessly satisfying to watch.

Of course, Nazis tend to shoot back at you as you shoot at them. In the top-left corner of your screen you have a compass that houses your health bar, which can be refilled with medical packs scattered through stages. This compass also houses another feature: it will flash red in the direction of enemy fire that is making contact with you. Getting hit from the front? The top flashes red. The back? The bottom flashes. The left or right? I don't think I need to answer that. It's a very handy feature that seems to be taken straight from Half-Life, showing just how influential that game was after it came out.

As you get deeper into the game Nazis get more and more aggressive, using more powerful weapons to take you down. One weapon they will use is the Panzerschreck, which is an anti-tank rocket launcher. The splash damage on the rockets these things fire can do a good job draining your health, and direct contact with a rocket will kill you instantly. I guess now's as good of a time as any to mention that if you die, you have to re-do the entire stage, which can be pretty annoying if a stage is longer or if you're doing good only to get a back full of rocket that you couldn't see coming. I used save-states to give myself checkpoints throughout stages to mitigate this issue, but real hardware players will face some difficulty here due to this.

When you clear a stage, you'll be taken to a screen showing how you did during a stage, detailing things such as your favorite weapon for the stage as well as your accuracy. Here, you'll also be awarded stars. You'll get one for just beating the stage, two for killing most of the Nazis in a stage, and three for clearing the stage with 75% or more health. That order is strictly implemented, by the way. Beat a stage without killing most of the Nazis but had over 75% health? You're only getting one star. So, what do stars do? Well, by getting all 3 stars on every stage of a mission, you'll not only be awarded a shiny medal, but you will also be given a "secret code". These are basically cheat menu options, doing things like adding power-ups to multiplayer, quadrupling your weapon fire speed, and turning all non-interactable environment textures into wireframes. They're mostly goofy stuff, which is a cute and welcome addition to this game to incentivize high-level play.

Also on this menu they detail which body parts you shot the most, which is an interesting statistic to see. You're also given a "Gunnery Evaluation" based on which parts you hit the most. You'll get called a "Winger" for hitting mostly arms, for example. Two that stood out to me the most were one for getting mostly headshots, which was "Discount Barber", and another for getting mostly groin shots, charmingly called "Homewrecker".

I would also like to bring up the music. The score done for this game is very well-done, making you feel like you're in an intense war movie! The soundtrack was composed by Michael Giacchino, who would go on to compose the score for numerous Disney movies such as Up and The Incredibles. Needless to say, he did an excellent job here, and I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for his name in future works!

Overall, I loved my time with Medal of Honor. The game truly felt ahead of its time in a number of ways and was an absolute joy from beginning to end. I highly recommend any lover of military FPS games to give this game a shot! This is a game that definitely deserves to be as well-remembered as games like Half-Life and Goldeneye!

We REALLY need to let Steven Spielberg make more games he's really good at this.

[Average Reading Time: 4 Minutes]

It's tennis, and Mario is there!

Mario Tennis: Power Tour is a tennis game for the Game Boy Advance where you can take control of the characters of Mario's world to see who's the best at smacking balls with a racket. However, this isn't the only draw of this game. This game features a full campaign for players to enjoy. The campaign is very simple in structure: you're the new kid at the tennis academy. You play singles or doubles matches to ascend through the ranks until you are eligible for the big tournament. This is where I spent my time playing this game, and as such, it will be the focus of this review. I also played it in doubles matches, so I will be speaking about matches from the way those are set up.

As you play matches in the campaign, you gain experience points that level you and your partner up. Levelling up allows you to increase your stats, such as "Power" and "Speed". However, there will be instances where increasing one stat will decrease others. From there, you must decide if you want to have a jack-of-all-trades who never masters a skill, or you can opt for a more min/max style, focusing on beefing up specific stats to become a powerhouse in a specific set of fields. This is a neat concept, as this gets you thinking more about how you approach playing the game.

However, the more I played this game, the more I found that stats don't really matter too much. After completing some trainings and doing some research on what button combinations allow for what moves to use, I quickly found easy ways to shut down every enemy team, even during the final matches of the campaign.

If I wasn't sliding over to the edge of the court to get an easy ace serve (which is dangerously consistent against the computer), I was employing a simple, yet concerningly effective strategy that the computer almost never had an answer to (at least in doubles). Here's what you do: If the ball is coming towards you, do a lobbing shot (A, then B) towards the opponent closest to the net. The ball will almost always soar over their head, and you will then watch them and their partner struggle to try to get to the ball. This works so consistently that it makes me wonder if this is here just so less-experienced players could see the end of the campaign easily, or if they really just didn't playtest this enough. Either way, it became a very effective strategy I had no problems employing, even if it was a little sad to watch the game fall apart in my hands because of it.

Thankfully, your partner is nowhere near as bad as the opponents at tennis. In fact, they're pretty competent! They're good at keeping up volleys and are very capable of scoring points on their own. Now, that doesn't mean you should fully rely on them, as they will occasionally miss shots, but they definitely do pull their weight, especially when it comes to how well they use Power Shots.

By completing specific trainings in the training area of the academy, which take the form of small minigames, you'll unlock Power Shots. These come in two flavors: offensive and defensive. Offensive power shots are what you could assume they are: powerful shots that sent the ball flying across the court, stunning any opponent who tries to hit them back. Defensive power shots allow you to safely get to a ball that's out of reach, keeping the volley going to prevent the opponent from scoring. As you get deeper into the game, you'll be relying on these shots very regularly, especially as opponents begin using them on you!

Speaking of opponents and other people, there's no shortage of NPC's in this game, all offering tips and flavor text to make the world feel alive. Some of them have some outlandish things to say, though. At one point, for example, you meet a doctor character who asks you if you need a checkup. If you say no, he says, "You shouldn't take any drugs before a match. People might think you're doping." That line knocked me out, as I was not expecting that from a Nintendo game! There are also some interesting dialogue exchanges that happen after you beat the main tournament, but as simple as this game is, I really don't feel comfortable spoiling what happens. Either look up what happens yourself or play the game to find out!

The campaign itself is super short, with it taking me around 5-6 hours, which included doing some optional content. As you play it you'll unlock more characters to use in free matches, which can be neat but unless you have a friend to play against you'll probably get your fill from the main campaign.

Overall, I didn't hate this game, but it didn't really "wow" me, either. It's okay, not bad by any means. I would honestly recommend it for anyone who wants a decent tennis experience with some twists on the go. Just don't go into this expecting some revolutionary RPG that makes you wish more sports games were brave enough to do this instead of being weird casinos with athletes in them, though you might do that anyway since the state of modern sports games is very odd as of writing this.

Um, check this game out if you want to, I guess?

[Average Reading Time: 7 Minutes]

Not the game I knew I needed, but I'm glad I know now.

When I was a kid growing up, I loved the Paper Mario franchise. It would be a good number of years before I played the Nintendo 64 title, but I would play The Thousand Year Door and Super Paper Mario extensively. While I loved Super and still do, I would hope that the next game would follow in the same style as TTYD, since I found the gameplay to be a bit more engaging. Sadly, I didn't get my wish, as Sticker Star and Color Splash went in directions that only disappointed me. It truly seemed that this would be the direction the franchise would be taking from there on out, and I longed for a day where Nintendo would give the older gameplay style another shot.

Little did I know, though, that it would not be Nintendo that would make the game I wanted. Instead, Moonsprout Games would answer the call. In January of 2018, they would launch an Indiegogo Campaign for their new game, an adventure RPG that is taking heavy inspiration from TTYD. Needless to say, people were drawn in like moths to a flame, and the game would reach its funding goal. Almost two years later, we'd get the completed project, titled Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling

While I didn't back the campaign or buy the game at launch, it still remained heavily on my radar, as I've been itching for a traditional Paper Mario experience that also offered a new world to explore. All these years later, I've finally gotten to see this game to the end, and man, this game is full of surprises!

When you first enter the world of Bug Fables, the first thing you'll notice is the presentation. They go for a style here that uses 2D characters in 3D environments. They use this very effectively, creating interesting environments and amazing character designs! Your main trio of characters all look great, and the NPC designs are all unique and highly memorable! Meeting new characters and entering new environments was always a treat, as I never knew what would be waiting for me as I traversed through this game's unique world. Speaking of the world, they do a great job playing with the fact that you're playing as bugs! You get a great sense of scope as you find more human-made objects littering the world you're exploring. Seeing how the bug citizens of this world take advantage of these objects to enhance their ways of life is always charming, as well.

As you start going through the first chapter of the game, you'll get introduced to the combat mechanics almost immediately. Like the older Paper Mario games, battles are turn-based, and when you attack, you play a small minigame to maximize damage. You also have special moves that use TP, which is this game's FP. You can block enemy attacks with well-timed button presses, with even less damage being taken with better timing. This is all standard Paper Mario fare, for the most part, and it all works very well. It never felt like it was the game's fault if I missed an action command or mistimed a block.

Things get even more interesting as you obtain party members. You have three characters of your party in total, and they all fight at once. During battle, you can switch who is in the lead, and the leading party member will do additional damage as a bonus. Each party member has their own specialty, as well. You have one that can target flying enemies with ease, one that can topple enemies, and one that can freeze enemies to prevent them from attacking. As you progress through the game, you'll discover more moves for your party that allow for some interesting strategic approaches to tougher fights.

To add to this, you can find a large variety of medals, which is this game's answer to the badge system. Like badges, you have points that you can use to equip them, and each will have a unique effect. There are medals that get equipped to the whole party, and there are some that can only be put on one character. This adds even more to the strategy of fights, as now you can have specific "builds" that allow you to make characters insanely strong under specific conditions.

I'll give an example. There are a variety of status effects in this game. One of these is poison, which damages you each turn. While there are medals that decrease your likelihood of getting poisoned, there are a ton of medals that reward you for getting poisoned, doing things such as buffing your defense and attack. There's even also a medal that make it so poison no longer hurts! To add to this, you can equip a medal that causes you to get poisoned whenever you consume an item, allowing you to activate your poison buffs whenever you want. This is just one way you can get super strong in this game, and playing with the medal combos to find out which builds work best for you can be a highly rewarding time.

If you don't want a risk/reward build and just want stuff that helps you out with no strings attached, though, you're gonna need to play the game for a while. Frequently as I visited shops and explored the overworld I would find mostly risk/reward medals, which was disappointing since I didn't really want to do a crazy build. Thankfully, though, the more you play and explore the game, you'll find more medals that strictly aid you, so this is a short-term problem.

A good source of medals and other goodies are the side quests! As you progress, more and more side quests become available, that each have their own story to them and end with a reward, whether it be currency, medals, or other things. One of the most important tips I could give to a new player is to explore as much of the world as you can! There's secrets hiding all over the place! Optional dungeons and bosses await those seeking a challenge, and you'll be rewarded very well for your efforts!

I had an excellent time exploring the world of this game, especially as more overworld moves were unlocked. Each party member brings with them a growing toolkit of moves to allow you to search every nook and cranny for secrets. They're also all used to solve fun simple puzzles that keep you engaged as you explore the world. Some of the most fun I had in this game was taking time between chapters to explore with new moves I unlocked to see what secrets were hiding around!

Now, I won't be spoiling the story here at all, but I do want to vaguely gush about how much I loved what they did here! They do such a great job fleshing out the world! There's all sorts of factions in this bug world and there's so much lore to discover for each one! You even have a menu where you keep track of discoveries in the world that you can review at any time to refresh yourself on the inner-workings of this land. You find lore books that add backstory to the creation of the kingdoms, as well as answering questions like why are there bugs that behave like people and others that behave like animals. It gets pretty deep, and those along with the story beats flesh out the world in such an exciting way. The further I played, the more I wanted to learn about the world and all its quirks!

What is a world without its people? The characters you meet in Bug Fables are all varied and interesting, both in design and personality! I loved interacting with characters and seeing their reactions to the events happening in the story, as well as seeing how they develop during side quests. The personalities of the main trio also shine super-brightly here, as well. Watching them interact with each other and the world around them was always a treat, and by the end of the game you'll easily love them all. They all also have interesting backstories that you learn about as you play, leading to some very heartfelt moments that will make you smile.

Their personalities shine in the game's tattle system, as well. All three characters have the ability to tattle enemies, revealing their health and defense. Along with this, each character has something unique to say about every enemy in the game! You don't even need to tattle the enemy three times to see all the dialogue, either! You can check the bestiary and it'll have each character's line in it! They stop at nothing to make sure you see every character's take on an enemy or boss, and I think that's amazing!

Outside of tattling enemies, you can also press a button in each area of the overworld to learn more about the area you're in, as well as potential hints to solving a puzzle. You can also do this near NPC's to see the characters have a small conversation about the NPC in question, and sometimes these will change after you talk to a character and learn new information! They did so much work fleshing out dialogue and lore and all this stuff and it adds so much to this game. Exploring and seeing every exchange between characters was endlessly rewarding, and it was easily one of my favorite parts of this game!

Overall, I loved my time playing Bug Fables! The combat was rewarding and exploring the world was highly satisfying! It also doesn't overstay its welcome, either! My in-game timer said 30 hours by the time I finished, but it was more like 28 because this game does that thing I hate where the timer continues to tick even when you're in the pause menu doing nothing. You can probably finish this game faster if you don't do as many side quests, but I can't recommend doing them enough due to all the goodies they give ya. This is a game that you should take your time with and really get immersed in the world. You won't regret it!

If somehow none of what I said has convinced you to play this game, please look at Tanjerin. Look at this boy. He is so precious. You can talk to him in the game and he's really cute. You like cute little guys, right? R-right?

Now that I own a Steam Deck, I've been seeing this app appear in the recommended section nonstop whenever I boot it up. Decided to give it a whirl and had a fun time!

They do a good job going over what the Steam Deck is capable of in terms of functionality, the graphics do a good job showing off the power of the Deck, the writing is funny, and it's over in around a half hour, giving you just enough of a taste of what the Steam Deck brings to the table to make you excited to use it with the rest of your Steam library. If you own a Steam Deck I don't see any reason to not check it out!

Also this taught me how to take screenshots with the Deck this is such vital information I feel reborn.

Bring the noise!

So, The Noise update for Pizza Tower dropped, so I figured what better way to christen my new Steam Deck than doing a full playthrough of the update in one sitting?

When I first played Pizza Tower last year, I was shocked by the quality of it. The animation felt ripped straight out of a 90's cartoon we never got. The level design was astounding, offering plenty of ways to keep momentum to allow players to attempt to get "P" ranks. The music was flawless, with tunes being catchy and memorable (I may have bought the OST immediately after beating the game).

Pizza Tower was a gift, and it proves to be a gift that keeps on giving with this update. Here, we take the role of The Noise, an antagonist in the main game. While you're able to travel at mach speeds with him as easily as you did with Peppino, The Noise has a few tricks up his sleeves. His moveset varies slightly from Peppino's, with him not being able to run up walls and being able to super jump without building up speed, for example. The Noise also uses each gimmick ability differently from Peppino, making it feel like a fresh experience when you encounter them. This all does a good job of making this playthrough not feel like just a retread of the original game, as you now have to adapt to different styles of gameplay with each stage, as well as the slight level alterations made to accommodate The Noise's unique moveset.

While there technically aren't any new boss fights here, how you fight bosses has been changed. The Noise attacks bosses by throwing bombs at them, rather than tackling or shooting them like Peppino did. This adds an interesting twist to boss fights as you're now encouraged to keep your distance from bosses while taking advantage of their openings. You also have a small bit of windup to consider when throwing bombs to account for, making it feel like your throws need to count. There is some forgiving elements here, as the bombs will bounce along the floor a bit before exploding, allowing you to still earn a hit if a boss lands on the bouncing bomb while they're vulnerable.

The animations made for The Noise are nothing short of superb. He's highly expressive, and watching him interact with the world will leave you with a smile. There's also a ton of other additions of Noise-centered art to consume as you travel through the tower that are always nice to look at.

Last, but most certainly not least, are the new music tracks. Folks, I'm happy to say that they're all bangers! New tracks replace ones such as "It's Pizza Time!" and they all fit really well! ClascyJitto and Mr. Sauceman went crazy here, and players will be treated with some really strong tracks to keep them pumped during their revisit of the tower.

Overall, this is an excellent addition to the game. If you've played Pizza Tower and are hungry for a reason to jump back in, I highly recommend giving this update a shot!

Snotty approved, baybee!

[Average Reading Time: 5 Minutes]

Some people get shocked by bugs. Me, I'm just shocked that I liked this game as much as I did.

Deadly Creatures is an action game released for the Wii where you take control of a tarantula and a scorpion in the Mojave Desert off Route 66, using their abilities to survive fierce combat encounters with other bugs and reptiles. While they do this, we follow two human characters, played by Billy Bob Thornton and the late Dennis Hopper, searching the desert for a hidden treasure. Between the thrill of the combat and the twists of the story following the two treasure hunters, Deadly Creatures offers a lot to intrigue players.

Throughout the adventure, you play as both a tarantula and a scorpion, switching between the two with each passing stage. There's 10 stages total, so you get to play as both creatures an equal amount of time, allowing the player to be fully immersed in each creature's unique play style.

The tarantula is agile, being able to jump high in the air to dodge attacks and zip to nearby webs. Combat-wise, the tarantula is all about setups. When you unlock the ability to shoot web at enemies, this becomes your go-to way to retaliate against foes. While they're webbed, you can go in for a quick combo or pounce on them, injecting them with a lethal poison. I feel that you have a lot of creative freedom with how you play the tarantula, and figuring out combat strategies to take advantage of stunned foes is highly satisfying.

The scorpion is slow and bulky, but they are very versatile with their pincers and stinger. They're more combo-focused, punishing enemies with their pincers and ending combos with stinger strikes. Exclusive to the scorpion are finishing moves. When an enemy is weak, you'll get a prompt to begin a finishing quick-time event (I'll be referring to these as QUE's from here on out). By swinging the controllers as the prompts show up, you'll be able to finish off enemies stylishly while also regaining some health. The developers were also merciful enough to give no penalty for failing a QTE outside of having to re-do the finisher. The finishing moves are all really cool, by the way. You'll have some where you slam an enemy into the ground and then dig your pincers into them, or you'll flip them over and shove your stinger down their throat. It's way cooler than it has any right to be.

If I had to pick a favorite playstyle, it would have to be the tarantula. As much as I like the combos and finishers of the scorpion, being able to dance around foes and punish them by webbing them up and following with powerful moves was always a thrill.

Now, you don't have all of these moves from the beginning. You unlock moves by gaining points, which are earned from defeating enemies and completing story objectives. Earn enough points and you automatically unlock more moves to try out in combat. It's very simple and non-intrusive. Outside of that, as you explore stages you'll find grubs, which unlock galleries full of cool concept art, as well as leaf crickets, which will increase your health when you find enough of them.

You encounter a decent variety of enemies in this game, each with their own abilities that they'll use to try to assert their place in the food chain. Outside of regular enemies, boss encounters are scarce, with there only being a small handful of them in the game. You also get to have rival matches between the scorpion and the tarantula, which gets exciting as you play, since after a while you know how they both work, and now have to figure out how you're going to counter their cool moves.

As much as I enjoyed this game, I do have some criticisms to raise. Firstly, the subtitles. In the options menu you can enable subtitles to help you follow along with what the human characters are saying. Sadly, though, these aren't always present. There are a handful of dialogue exchanges that just aren't subtitled, and it's a shame because it makes you feel like you're missing pieces of the story while the sounds of exploration and combat are happening.

My other complaints stem from this game being both a 7th Gen game and being released on the Wii. Firstly, as with many 7th Gen games at the time of this game's release, the framerate is highly inconsistent, dipping very low during many enemy encounters. This can be frustrating, especially as this effects your inputs. Games just feel less responsive when running poorly, and sadly Deadly Creatures suffers because of this. It's not game-breaking, but it is annoying.

Lastly, we need to talk about the motion controls. You're going to be pointing the wiimote at the screen for things like lining up web shots and zipping to other webs as the tarantula, which feels fine. What doesn't feel fine is when you're playing as the scorpion and you need to use motion controls for finishers. Maybe it's because my wiimotes are over 15 years old at this point, but following the prompts to move the wiimote and nunchuk for finishers feels so broken. I'll do the moves and unless I'm waving them wildly in the directions they want, they aren't going to register. It becomes infuriating when you're doing the same moves over and over again and they aren't reading to allow you to finish QTEs. There's also motion controls involved in moves outside QTEs, like combo finishers for the scorpion and follow-up moves for the tarantula. The scorpion also has environment traversal moves that require you to waggle the controllers. It's exhausting after a while, and I feel that it kinda brings down the game slightly.

Overall, I loved this game. I enjoyed following the plot of the treasure hunters, I loved playing as the tarantula and scorpion, and I greatly enjoyed checking out the concept art I unlocked, as well as interviews with Billy Bob Thornton and Dennis Hopper where they talk about the game and their interest in bugs and reptiles. However, outside of the arachnophobia that some players may suffer from, there are barriers to the experience, such as the framerate issues and motion control implementation. It's probably a long-shot, but I would really like to see this game get a remaster one day that fixes the issues I had. Being able to use button presses in place of the motion controls, having a stable framerate and having consistent subtitles would absolutely bring this game up immensely.

If you don't have arachnophobia and are cool with virtual bug antics, then I highly recommend this game. You'll be humming Devil Trigger from Devil May Cry 5 while stinging bad bugs where the sun don't shine before you know it.

[Average Reading Time: 8 Minutes]

My opinions on this game and my preference in how I like my eggs share one similarity: they're both scrambled.

When it comes to the plot, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg doesn't offer much of note. Billy and his friends get whisked away to a realm called Morning Land, where the chicken inhabitants are being attacked by a group of evil crows. It's your basic "Go beat up the evil dark lord bad guy" storyline that's all too common in games like this. I'm not complaining about it, though. I think the plot is fine for what it is, and they do try to add some lore here and there to keep the world interesting. I have my complaints about this game, and let me tell you the plot isn't what I take issue with here.

Let's talk about how the game works. Throughout your adventure, you're constantly running into eggs. When you start pushing them around, you gain access to a whole wealth of traversal and combat abilities. You can do a ground pound with the egg and have it launch you in the air to gain some extra height. You can shoot it at enemies and have it roll back to you. You can also use it to dash. What's weird about the dash, though, is that Billy doesn't have the dash move when he isn't pushing an egg around. Why he suddenly loses the will to pick up the pace when he isn't shoving around an egg is beyond me, but we have other pressing matters to discuss.

Throughout my playthrough of this game, one constant thought ran through my head as I engaged with the mechanics: "Wow, this game would be great if the mechanics worked more reliably!"

The ideas they present with the gameplay are neat, but in execution prove to be rather frustrating. Take the ground pound that lets you jump higher I mentioned earlier. You're going to primarily be using this to reach higher platforms. In any other game, this would be as simple as using the move and then getting on the platform. However, things are not so simple in Billy Hatcher! When you use this move, the egg and, by extension, Billy begin to spin. Now, this has no effect on the controls, but it does have an effect on what happens when you land. If you're barely making it onto a platform and Billy is over the edge when you land, he's going to drop and the egg will just be hanging out on the platform you wanted to get on, mocking you as you try to find another egg to try this again. If there's no other eggs around then you need to wait for the egg to despawn and go back to its spawn point so you can try again.

Now, you may think at first that this is just a quirky weird thing that doesn't happen too often. Oh, you ignorant fool! This happens on almost every platform in the entire game. I started forming a habit of doing two ground pound jumps before even attempting to move myself to a platform because I managed to have less arduous results when I did it. I am thankful to say that this has never caused a death during my playthrough, but it is frustrating to deal with.

What did cause deaths during my playthrough was a special object in some stages. Sometimes in stages there will be railways that you need to put your egg on, and while it's rolling away you need to maneuver yourself to a location where you can catch it before it rolls off a ledge. When you first see one of these, it immediately works as advertised. However, in later stages it, for some reason or another, becomes the most finicky thing that you will ever interact with in this game.

Allow me to describe to you how these things almost made me quit the game. So, the first mission of every world requires you to find a gold egg and hatch it. For one world, you need to move this egg across one of these rails and catch it on the other end. The problems I had here weren't with catching the egg. The problems I had were that the egg just refused to get on the rail. If I moved too quickly towards the rail, it wouldn't connect with it and the egg and I would plummet down a pit. If I moved too slowly, the egg would just fall right through the rail, which also causes death since it's an important egg. I also can't use the move that launches the egg out to get it on there because then it makes the egg move too fast, making it impossible for me to catch it, resulting in death. I had to carefully manage my speed when approaching this rail, aiming my movements at just the right angle to get the egg on there. Whoever was in charge of playtesting levels that use these things must've had some level of spite towards the developers of this game because there's no way they didn't notice this! Either that or they reported it and it was, for one reason or another, never fixed by the devs, but we'll never know the true story.

I would probably be less mad about it if death was meaningless, but you have to remember that this is 6th Gen gaming, and we're still doing the lives thing in most platformers, as it was the style at the time. Personally, I think lives counters add nothing to games outside of making things more stressful for the player, and I rarely find their inclusion in games to be something worth celebrating. When developers add a lives system to their games, they either make lives super rare, making playing stages stressful and infuriating when getting a game over, or they shower you in them, raising the question of why they even bothered with including them in the first place. There's also other things to account for, such as what happens when you get a game over in terms of progress lost, when factoring how valuable lives are, but at the end of the day I think every game that has a lives mechanic would go up 2 points if they hadn't even bothered with a lives counter in the first place.

How does this relate to Billy Hatcher, you ask? Well, lives are rare in this game, for one. I didn't find a single extra life during my playthrough. I dunno if I needed to hatch a specific egg to find one but I didn't find any during my adventure. Next, we need to talk about what happens when you get a game over. A normal game would splash a "Game Over" screen with an option to continue or to quit, with continuing taking you back to the start of the stage you were attempting. Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, like other SEGA games during this time period, take you straight back to the title screen, requiring you to go through menus and loading times before you're allowed your next attempt. I think I game over'd around 5 times during that stage I mentioned earlier, so needless to say I was not a happy camper by the time I beat it.

As you go on your journey you'll get "Emblems of Courage", which act as your main collectable for this journey. For most of the game, they don't really matter. You only need to beat the first two missions of each world to advance to the next one. This is consistent for the first five worlds of the game. Once you get to the 6th world, they have you complete a third stage. At the end of that stage, though, you are greeted with a text box telling you that you need to go back to older worlds and collect more emblems before you can beat the game, and then you're kicked out of the level! You could spend over 7 minutes going through the stage, full of deaths and frustrating egg-related platforming all for the game to say "bro look at your wallet ☠️☠️ get back with some more green my man." and throw you out! Thankfully, there's an NPC near that spot where that happens that you need to just have 25 of the things before you can beat the game, but the way the game phrases things when you get to that room makes you think you need to get all of the emblems in the previous worlds, which would've scared me away easily.

At the very least, the other missions that you would need to do to get the remaining emblems at that point are absurdly easy. They went out of their way to make the first two missions of the worlds in the back half of this game worryingly difficult, but the missions outside the first two of each world are a breeze in comparison. There are some that'll end in just a few minutes without any need for a second attempt. It's crazy! Funnily enough it was during the time I was rounding up the extra emblems that I was having the most fun with the game. There weren't many rails to worry about, there was less egg platforming that could lead to ledge issues, it was like I was playing a normal game! All I could think during all this was "Why did they hide all the easy stuff and make me suffer like they have for the past few hours?"

Each world has a boss to fight, as well. For the most part, though, they're really easy. There are some where I wish the camera would lock onto them since they move all over the place and others where it took me a try or two to figure out what they wanted from me, but for the most part they're pretty comfortable to fight. You're not going to have any worries there with this game, for the most part.

Overall, I can't say I hate Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, but I can't say I like it either. A neat gimmick and an attractive world are marred by unreliable gimmicks, the trappings of the lives system, and the fact that the game waits as long as it does to tell you to go get more collectables. If this is a game that makes you curious, then I can say it's worth at least giving a shot, but I won't blame you if you want to drop it after a few worlds.

Also, ain't no way I'm going to try to 100% this game. There's no way you get something cool for finding all the emblems. Unless it makes my Wii spit out a $100 bill I ain't doing it, and I recommend you do the same. Just focus on getting enough collectables and move on. Save yourself some headache.

Well, I got what I expected. Not that that's a bad thing, of course.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong is a remake of the GBA game of the same name. While I'll admit that it's been a long time since I played the original version of this game, I will say that I enjoyed that game a lot. When this remake was announced, it immediately got marked on my calendar. While I didn't buy it day 1, I still got to it eventually, and honestly, I think it does a lot right.

The cutscenes look great and the voice acting (Charles Martinet, surprisingly. Maybe this was recorded before he left?) is fun. I do wish they used the original's script since I liked how chatty Mario was in it. He had some good Popeye energy with the direction in that title that sadly isn't present here.

The graphics look really cute during stages. All the enemies having all sorts of details to show that they're toys was a treat to see. The Mini Marios are pretty expressive, as well. Outside the stages, though, you're met with the same sterilized menus that have become common in Mario titles. I don't know how else to describe it besides too clean, if that makes any sense. It kinda puts me off, and I feel like the menus should have a bit more flair to them that just isn't here. It really gives off this mobile game energy, which makes sense since this is a remake of a portable title, but I just wish there was a bit more life to the menus, ya know?

The game plays pretty well, and pulling off side jumps and handstand jumps is snappy and satisfying. Experienced players will be flipping around all the stages, finding ways to get present boxes in creative ways while speedily clearing stages. I think on average I spent around 20 minutes in each world, including getting the present boxes in each stage. You'll clear this game in no time if you're experienced with games like the original or the Game Boy Donkey Kong title.

In the original, you would need to get a high score on stages in order to earn stars, which would unlock expert stages to test your playing ability. This would involve not only getting all the presents, but also defeating enemies, not dying, and getting through stages quickly to maximize score. Needless to say, it was stressful. Thankfully in this remake, they eased the requirements for stars. Now you only need to get all of the presents in any stage, which is a welcome change.

Despite there being over 100 stages in this game, it's very short. Each stage only takes a few minutes max to clear, with many being beatable in under a minute. A player newer to games like this may have a long journey on their hands, but it only took me a good few hours to beat every stage in the game. This is still a fun game and I don't regret my time playing it, but I think you would be better off waiting for one of Nintendo's fabled sales before snagging this one.