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The world itself is great, Norway and England and Newfoundland, supposedly.

But the long RPG process is exhausting, leveling up when you can beat it 20 levels lower, 100% would not replay the thing again, maybe revisit and explore but that's about it.

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First time I played in 2015, introduced me to Fallout, even though it was just meh, chose Railroad as my first ending but thankfully can replay, and also has mods on console which is rare. Ok-ish game at best. It just works.

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Best damn game I ever played, alongside Cyberpunk, but this is a storytelling classic that I would revisit and quote from missions, Rockstar's magnum opus, well until GTA 6.


Good for just driving and listening to music on Spotify, but good for racing too, I guess.

From Military to an Empire, underrated GTA game.

Toni and Salvatore's Bizzare Goodfellas Adventures: On Playstation Portable.

Toughest GTA in 3D, but made sure that the franchise would thrive.

Dumb. Florida. Moron.
Best GTA game.

Besides the slidey cars and 24/7 phone calls, the story is forever memorable, some characters are scumbags in some sense, and Niko is a flawed character, but humble.



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When GTA 5 first released it looked like a new world and the hype was immense, then GTA Online greed made it shit.

Story is fine atleast, shame no DLC came of it unless it was in Online.

In 2020, the game was slandered.
In 2022, Edgerunners revived the spark.

Story is ok, depressing, but fair, gameplay is fun and thankfully the bugs have been 70% fixed atleast.

Probably one of the faves.

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Apart from stadiums and airports, or tornadoes and sandstorms, not much else to say. But hey it has a Take on Me Easter Egg so atleast it's something.

First played it at Comic-Con, seemed fun enough, played it at home later on and was just pure sandbox carnage. Medici is better than Just Cause 4. Formula 1, and just casual driving. Simple mayhem with a big map. Not much else to say.