It's a monster catching gacha game with pretty decent turn-based combat that actually has some unique mechanics. Unfortunately it has one big issue: the two main gameplay features - monster catching and gacha - literally oppose each other. Why on earth would you ever use a 2 star monster you caught in the field when you could just use the 5 star character you just rolled in the gacha? After you roll a few times there's literally no reason to ever again catch a monster in this monster catching game. This is actually a perfect example of what could have been a pretty ok little phone rpg being absolutely ruined by its gacha mechanics. Shame.

Video games are art because I wrote a 7,000 page essay on Bubble Bobble

Had some cool new ideas for the series like life gems and power stance-ing but also some missteps like the torch mechanic making the environment look awful and adaptability making the game feel like shit to play. Just overall a mixed bag of innovation. Also half the bosses are just dudes in armor.

(Content warning: rape)

A hentai gacha game with a dark magical girl theme. Aesthetically and plot-wise it liberally takes a lot of inspiration from Madoka Magica. There's actually two versions of the game, Magicami, the "safe" version which does not have sex scenes, and Magicami DX, the nsfw version which does. This review is for the DX version, since I imagine most people play that one, obviously.

Aesthetically, the game looks pretty dang good, especially for a browser game. The girls are cute and they have a sizeable variety of magical girl outfits to wear, and roll for of course. I actually quite like the monster designs. Since the theme is dark magical girl porn, the monsters accordingly are also sexy demon creatures, some of which have been horrifyingly transformed into pretty disturbing abominations. You can see the spider demon in the cover art here I think, where she has like sexy human legs instead of spider legs, it's frankly disturbing but also kind of rad, not gonna lie.

The characters are pretty cute, and personality wise actually rather likeable, a lot of which I think is owed to the quite decent voice acting. The goal, I think, is to endear you to the characters so that you can be adequately horrified when they, in accordance to the plot, horribly lose and then get tortured and uh, raped, by the monsters. A lot of the sex scenes I'm pretty sure are rape scenes by the way, so if you were looking for something more Jun'ai or vanilla, there's probably better games for you to play. And let me tell you, for better or worse, the voice acting is horrifyingly good during the rape scenes. They, uh, really sell the tortured screaming, I guess. Even the guy main character has some pretty gnarly screams of despair. The performances as a whole are like, genuinely disturbing and don't exactly put me in the mood, personally. I'm not really sure why these are in a porn game? Though I guess if you have a rape kink, that's like, part of it, probably. They're thoughtful enough to put a content warning before the scene happens though, so that's nice.

Gameplay wise it's actually not bad, if you like jrpg combat. The animations are snappy and the dynamic camera angles combined with the clean Persona-esque UI make battles rather nice to look at. The battle music also reminds me of Persona, to be honest. It's nothing too especially interesting though, and you can just auto-battle once you get sufficiently strong enough anyway.

Overall, a pretty decent game if you have a rape fetish, but probably not worth it otherwise.

A fun free game that the developer himself admits is pretty much just fanart bait. The art is cute and stylish, and the characters themselves are excellent at appealing to a very specific taste. I'm actually pretty impressed by how the designs manage to feel cool and sexy without being revealing at all or feeling fanservice-y. I almost feel like I need to hear a fashion designer's insight on these outfits. The puzzle gameplay is quick and snappy and the main music track is infectiously bouncy. Pretty much the entire experience feels quick, polished, and to the point which is a great way to make a free game like this go viral for a bit, but also causes a lot of the new fans to want a bit more. And while there's not much to the game, what's there is quality. It really is amazing how much I ended up liking all of the girls despite them having such few lines of dialogue.

Can't rate this, it'd be like rating someone's diary. It's one of those very intimate and specific experiences that'll probably deeply resonate with just a few people. It's only a five minute read though, and I can say it definitely made me feel some weird emotions I probably have to unpack.

Sick gameplay and a banger soundtrack. Can't believe there aren't more off-the-wall crazy racing games like this. Boosting the car off the road and wall-riding and even ceiling-riding is so goddamn satisfying and cool I can't get enough of it. This game is literally free, I don't understand why more people aren't talking about it, or DISTANCE for that matter, it's a damn crime.

Every single update made the game less and less like Team Fortress 2 and therefore worse.

Some of the narrative themes are really interesting in concept, but I don't think the game lands the execution very well. I just don't care enough about the characters to feel that strongly about whatever happens to them.

That being said, the gameplay's really fun, especially if you're into bullet hell stuff. Very fast paced and challenging, but not frustrating enough to make me quit, at least for me. Music's pretty good too, there's a couple of catchy tracks later on that really impressed, me. But I think maybe because I listen to a lot of EDM type stuff I was a little less wowed than other people would be.

Also, it wasn't really a problem for me, but I can very easily imagine someone else not liking all the crazy visual effects that they pile on you for some of the battles. I get that it's rhythm game-esque and you're supposed to "feel" the music, but they do it a bit too often that it starts to get cheesy, imo.

overall: not as good as undertale lmao, but still very good.

Admittedly not much of a "game" yet, but still an incredibly original fever dream brimming with cool ideas and psychedelic, yet weirdly chill vibes. The whole world (er, galaxy) feels like splatterings of vividly colored blobs finger-painted by an ecstatic child lovingly brought to life by an older sibling game designer. The absurdist dialogue is hilariously matter-of-fact and what scant "plotlines" currently exist feel like the recordings of imaginary adventures collectively brainstormed between excitable kids on a playground. Even the combat system of manually flailing around your weapon with the mouse brilliantly invokes a kind of viscerally simplistic, childlike joy that only a game that isn't afraid to be dumb could afford to implement.

There's no music in the overworld, but when you've upgraded your character enough to properly fly, they sort of hum this calm little tune as they do so. Combining this with the surrounding scenery of mostly empty grayish rolling hills and foggy indigo skies gave me a sort of unexpected serenity akin to viewing an impressionist painting. The whole game even, seems to want to evoke some kind of impressionist feeling, but it's also not afraid to punctuate the viewings with dumb humor and pop references. The idiocy of the game's humor and its exploding creativity somehow kind of end up working pretty well together, though. I'll admit, aside from these personal takeaways, I don't really know what the "point" of the game is so far, but it's a definitely a vibe.

The writing is bad and cringy. The art and animation however, is extremely well-done. The hand-drawn 2D animation has 1000% more love and effort put into it than the stiff, uncanny movement of some of the shoddy Live2D work I've seen in some other popular horny visual novels. I know the sex scenes are the main draw here, but the sheer quality of the artwork just kinda makes me wish the story was worth anything at all.

This review contains spoilers

Having the first moral choice in the game be "should we allow child labor?" goes so fucking hard.

Haven't played this in like a year but I played it enough back when it was first blowing up (due primarily by Northernlion, which is pretty funny) to get the golden poop hat, which was my main goal, so I feel pretty good about that.

This is basically Dota 2 Autochess / Teamfight Tactics but with the minimalist design ethos of Hearthstone. Like Auto Chess, you roll an inventory of characters every turn to most efficiently stack units together and build a team that synergizes well enough to beat another player's team. And like Hearthstone, there's an emphasis on small numbers, a clean minimal interface, multiple called instances of rng only a computer could comfortably simulate in quick succession, and several small effects that chain together and stack in unexpected, interesting ways.

The brilliance in this particular packaging is the asynchronous multiplayer. Whereas Auto Chess had a limited amount of players in a lobby taking simultaneous timed turns, Super Auto Pets lets players take their time and fight the whole player base whenever it's convenient, perfect for mobile and way less stressful too. Add the colorful emoji graphics and you got a perfectly wholesome looking, but powerfully addicting and surprisingly deep strategy game that's fun for the whole family (I'm aware they recently changed the emoji graphics to their own original style. This is a misstep imo, the emoji graphics were great).

Apparently they're still updating the game, adding new animals and food and game modes so that's cool. The core design is honestly pretty impeccable so I'm happy to see so many people enjoying it so much.

Pretty much the only viable platform for online riichi mahjong for english speakers, (besides trying to figure out tenhou with a guide). Good amount of players, I can pretty much always find a game within a couple minutes. No major glitches, at least from the few months I played. And the presentation is reasonably shiny for a mahjong client. The gacha is incredibly superfluous, and not really implemented well to the gameplay in my opinion. The character designs are okay, though the voice acting's not bad for the few lines the characters speak during a game. Also the quests and events feel incredibly same-y and all kinda blend together, all adding up to a feeling like the extra features just don't really matter at all in the end.

As a way to play mahjong online, it's perfectly quality, though. Probably your best option right now, honestly.