Funny, kinky, cute. A tad short, though. Wish there was a bit more

average day in brazil


A pretty standard idle game. The pixel graphics are pretty cute and the UI seems pretty polished actually, especially compared to some other janky idle games that get pushed on you in the play store. Some of the dialogue is pretty witty, and they have some fun with tropes here and there. It's alright

A fun, cheerful rhythm game featuring various electronic tracks from Chinese/Japanese artists. Honestly pretty good for music discovery for this genre since I have absolutely no idea how I would ever even come across Chinese language EDM otherwise. The presentation is incredibly polished and the anime girls' designs really nail the cute/sexy feel they're going for. The gameplay feels a little simplistic though, as there's really only two "lanes," the ground and air. Perfectly suited for mobile, though on PC it feels a bit lacking in depth compared to other rhythm games.

Unironically one of the best indie fighting games. Had a blast playing this with friends. I don't understand why Divekick always gets props for a being an accessible minimalist fighting game when this game is right here and is infinitely more hype and at least 50% less cringe.

A neat little 5-minute 3-stage pixel porn game. The animation is fantastically done and delightfully bouncy, right from stage 1. The focus on gamefeel is pretty unique for a porn game and the tactile sensation of the, uh, squeezing in stage 2 is utterly palpable. Even the shaking of stage 3 has a distinct physical feel in trying to get the rhythm just right. Kinda wish the game lasted more than like 5 minutes, but a nice bit of fun for what it is.

Still the best item shop game out there currently. Atmosphere is pleasant, characters are cute, and the free market randomness is just chaotic enough to be interesting throughout many playthroughs. But good god, do I HATE the dungeons. The actual combat is so uninteresting and tedious and the grind has never been realer, especially when the game is specifically based around crafting and finding specific random drops. The haggling is SO fun though, and if it wasn't for the damn dungeons eating up what feels like half of the play time I'd be playing this a lot more.

A neat little reverse-horror Pikmin-esque rougelite. The lovecraftian elements are fun and seeing all of your little deep sea horrors trample across the screen tearing up the poor townsfolk feels very satisfying. Though some units definitely feel stronger than others, there's enough variety to make your armies feel fairly different each level. Actually controlling your mob of creatures can feel a smidge frustrating which wouldn't have been so bad if the difficulty was just slightly easier but as it is there were a couple moments where I ended up frustrated that the little guys just kinda kept running into their death due to the controls feeling like the "brush" you're using is just a bit too big. Overall, though, it's a pretty fun mob game that doesn't overstay its welcome.

Back then we called it "TF2 but with hot girls" but in retrospect, this game (and its predecessor) literally predicted Overwatch, MOBAs, and just like, competitive esports in general. Honestly, this game had some big ideas that just didn't quite hit as hard as it clearly wanted to. It also had this weird emphasis on grabs as part of the meta that was pretty unique and cool but also strange to wrap your head around. Honestly, wish we could've seen more from the franchise.

The only deal better than 5 dollars for Vampire Survivors is 0 dollars for Holocure. The comparison here is pretty much unavoidable as this survivors-like is the most unashamedly similar to VS than all the other imitators in this new subgenre. It's also probably the best out of all of them so far. Pretty much every weapon in VS has a direct correlate in Holocure but it's the additions to the formula that set this fangame apart from the others.

Giving each character their own unique weapon and set of unique abilities makes each run really feel different and the addition of a strafe button is honestly a godsend. The animations are cute and lively as well. I believe the creator was actually the animator for River City Girls and one of the Shantae games which explains the quality. Also, as the game is tailor-made for Hololive fans, literally everything is some kind of inside joke. I had to look up a video explaining all of the references and I've never felt so disconnected to the youth in my life. Even if you're like me and don't understand a lot of the memes the game is just mechanically so fun and addicting that you'll enjoy it anyway. It's also free, so there's pretty much no reason not to just give it a try to see if you'll like it.

Probably one of the steepest learning curves in gaming as well as arguably the most complex out of all the esports. There's so many moving parts, so many mechanics, and so much to learn you could honestly dedicate the rest of your life to getting good at this game. I literally spent a hundred hours in this game and still felt like a beginner. At some point I realized I'd probably have to spend another hundred hours to actually get to a skill level I'd be satisfied with at which point I decided: "Actually I'm good, thanks." This game's a lot of fun if you lose your life to it, but I think most people will end up trying it out, realizing their inadequacy, and then eventually bouncing off. Not a bad esport though, if you know what's going on. It's kind of the (American) football of esports.