I mean its another anime game cashgrab but its def going to get better and i want to see how it pans out in the long run

One thing they need tho is crossplay its wild to drop a battle royal game in the year 2023 and not have crossplay like WTH

I mean i give sega credit for what they tried to do but it just looked like an unpolish mess and that is saying something because Sonic is Sega coveted child. Tho the boss fights were fun.

very flawed game with less content then the first game. All they did was add like 3 new maps and some new heroes

The only reason why i play is cuz comp can be fun but they need to add lootboxes back

Better then Overwatch 2

The game was more alive, The characters had a balance before getting the worst nerfs sometimes, I just wish they would of kept the Overwatch 1 servers instead of making a second one

While this game will def have it bugs and im sure they will get fixed with each update its another game that is fun with friends and i cant complain there. Will say you might have an issue trying to add someone on a dif console.

Dont get me wrong I love Warframe but holy shit does this game just send you on fetch quest and just grind quest I will say its better played with friends.