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Time Played

35h 0m

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Overall this is the weakest out of all the Operation Rainfall games, but still great in its own right. It has stunning visuals, great music, cool dungeons, the monster design is great. And the story overall is compelling, with you feeling connected to Elena and her plight.

It has dating sim esque mechanics with her, but they are welcome and help you care about her more.

For whatever reason, every physical version of the game is just hard coded with a game breaking bug. The last 2 dungeons frequently crash the game and you must access them by doing very specific things, like sleeping or entering through another dungeon. It dosent crash only if you do it in a certain way. Big issue since it nearly ruins saves files. Keep in mind I got a new copy as well and it had this problem..

It is also fairly repetitive. Once you do like 4 duengons it is a pretty one note experience.

Still, hard not to like this. It was great for one playthrough. If you love last story and Xenoblade there is a lot to like here.