This my friends is a hidden gem right here. You won't understand unless you were able to play the online multiplayer back in the day. I was lucky enough to do so!

It has the absolute best motion controls in ANY Wii game. This is not a debate. You can literally customize every single button, every single motion and gesture, however you want. The control settings are infinite. You can create your ideal perfect control setup.

And keep in mind, this is the ONLY COD game where every single player had to use Wii Remote and Nunchuck. So multiplayer was very slow paced, actually using team work and covering each other. Hands down the most unique cod experience you could have.

The single player is iconic for its story, but performance wise it sucks. So it gets a point off for that.

You sadly cannot play online anymore, but I am thankful to have been able to do so, because it was special and fun.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2024
