Great game especially for the system, an open world GTA type game is very much welcome.

I think it gets too much of a rap for being similar to GTA but there is way more going on here. For one, it is especially great for fans of the film. They got so many of the actors back for this. Most notably Brando, this was one of his last performances in anything when he was on oxygen; which you can actually hear in game when he's in the hospital. There is something actually kinda haunting knowing he's on his death bed in game and in that moment.

Self inserting your stupid looking character into the story is also charming.

Mechanic wise it feels super smooth to play. The motion controls work great. The melee combat is fun. Shooting feels snappy. There is a decent challenge as well, with intense shootouts and driving sections.

This is a great title for any Wii Owner, and for anyone who enjoys the films. Lots to love here. I don't 100% every game but this one I didn't feel any issues seeing all the way through.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2024
