I think it's pretty easy to take for granted how much official controller support can add to a game. I'll give you an example: Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 on the Steam Deck is an unmitigated nightmare that, at best, is barely playable unless you have a mouse and keyboard plugged in. But the version for the Nintendo Switch works surprisingly well. Further case and point: anyone who has ever tried rebinding the buttons on a controller so they could play any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games developed and released between 2007-2009 probably came to the same realization that the developers of System Shock 2's canceled Dreamcast port did: there just aren't enough buttons on any controller for this shit, man. Unless you want to sacrifice your ability to lean around corners, turn on your flashlight, change the firing mode of your weapon, or have quick access to healing items, trying to play the PC versions of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with a controller is inadvisable until further notice.

Like Rollercoaster Tycoon 3's Switch port, what drew me to the Legends of the Zone Trilogy bundle currently on sale for the Xbox and (surprisingly) PlayStation isn't that I had never touched these games before, but I was genuinely curious to see how a franchise that has never had official controller support before would handle the task of running on console hardware. And surprisingly, it works. It works about as well as you would expect it to, anyway. It is still a little finicky in some regards: sensitivity between aiming regularly and aiming down sights differs to a distracting degree, the weapon wheel doesn't pause or slow the game while you're using it, and navigating the inventory without a cursor slows things down, which isn't aided by the fact that using the inventory, too, does not slow or pause the game for you. Some of that clunkiness aside, though, these control fine and are perfectly adequate ways to experience the vanilla versions of these games if you've either never played them before or simply want a reason to play them again. They've added achievements to all three games, as well, which is always a nice touch. Multiplayer modes aren't present, but it should be common knowledge by now that multiplayer doesn't tend to carry over when an older game gets re-released unless it was a notable part of the package (and here, it was not).

This is sort of reminiscent of that time they ported Half-Life 2, FEAR, Far Cry, and Doom 3 to seventh-gen systems to accommodate for the fact that neither the PS2 nor original Xbox could manage stable/struggled to manage stable ports of either, except they've done it two console generations later. I don't really mind that though; I find this sort of re-release nostalgic. On the subject of this being released on last-gen hardware rather than current-gen systems, perhaps they didn't have the resources for that? That distinction does make this feel a bit lazier than it should to prying eyes, but on a PlayStation 5, it emulates just fine, looks great in 4K, and feels fine enough with a DualSense. I am a bit bummed that they didn't consider porting this to the Switch, but I can see where technical barriers and monetary incentives would have prevented such a port from happening. Oh well, maybe next time.

There are a couple of interesting differences I've noticed so far:

- The Energy Drinks you'll find in-game now have the branding/product placement that they apparently did in the original European releases.
- They've done their due diligence, and the Chernobyl in Shadow of Chernobyl is now spelled in Ukrainian fashion, with an O instead of an E. They've also gone ahead and done this for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, so it's not too surprising, but what is is that they've gone ahead and edited the original menu images to accommodate for this change.
- As has been common with these re-releases since Whoopi Goldberg introduced the Looney Tunes (probably), there's a disclaimer in here about these games being historical artifacts (no pun intended). While you could point to something like the use of the R slur in these games for that disclaimer, the most likely explanation for what they're referring to is that these games have never had a particularly positive outlook on the Ukranian military. Preeeeetty bad timing for that, I'd say.

ETA: Easily the roughest bit of transition from PC to Consoles is that I don't think any of these ports allow you to quicksave. Given that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has always been firmly in the camp of "quicksave every five minutes in case you die instantly", this means that your manual saves will fill up quickly. There's also the fact that these being straightforward ports means that there are no quickslots for any game that isn't Call of Pripyat. Prepare to be sorting through that inventory a lot just to use one energy drink! That being said, I stand by my assessment thus far: these are accessible ports that mostly work out of the box. If that's what you're looking for, it's forty bucks well spent.

ETA2: Lowering my score for this by a star. Everything I said is true, but the faithfulness of these ports also extends to their notable technical shortcomings, including crashes, bugs that have never officially been patched, and inconsistent spawning/despawning. These games are still playable and fine, evidenced by the fact that I just spent 22 hours in Shadow of Chernobyl with very few issues. But if you're coming in expecting these ports to have been polished for consoles beyond their controls and presentation, they're somewhat disappointing, although the likely explanation is that there might not have been much to work with.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2024


3 months ago

Whoa I had no idea this was a thing!

3 months ago

As someone who over the years tried to rebind controller support on the pc versions of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games I concur. it is a rough to do when compared to keyboard and mouse. So im glad we officially have console ports now. Awesome to see you tried the controls, was wondering how it feels.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

@TheQuietGamer Apparently, the Shadow of Chornobyl port got leaked a while back, and according to Wikipedia, this somehow equated to it being canceled. But no, it was released fairly recently. I think it was shadow dropped after some Xbox thing, but I didn't watch that.

3 months ago

@Detectivefail Thank you!

I went through somewhat of a period when I was younger of trying to get Xpadder to play almost everything with a controller. I never tried S.T.A.L.K.E.R. because, even in my dumb-dumb baby gamer brain days, I knew it wouldn't work.

3 months ago

thanks for this writeup! this release really snuck by me and after reading your thoughts i'm teetering between getting it on psn and just setting up the copy i already have on steam. always found stalker needlessly intimidating because of how eager its fans are to shove 45 unofficial patches/mods down your throat - all of which seem to be subjective as to which one's "the best"... i just wanna play what the devs made god damn it !!!!!!!

2 months ago

This review is laser-targeted at me, someone who's been trying to get these games to have a controller-palatable scheme for years. Great work!

2 months ago

@MiraMiraOTW Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it

2 months ago

@chandler Oh, I get that. The good or bad news, depending on how you look at it, is that these are very faithful ports. I hadn't actually played too much of SoC before writing this review, because if I did, I would have absolutely mentioned the fact that it crashes a lot. It doesn't happen super often, but it occurs more often than your traditional console game does. And apparently, Clear Sky's platinum trophy is impossible because one of the trophies requires you to do something that's been bugged since the game originally came out!

Having now beaten SoC on my PlayStation, I can see both why those patches are useful and why they seem intimidating.

2 months ago

if you can put up with bugs (which I assume you can) just install the game and leave it at that. zone reclamation project is the most agreed upon fanpatch but it definitely makes changes that go a step beyond bugfixes into balance updates and other shit you probably don't want

and you can pretty much entirely ignore the entire contingent of players who try to upsell you on anomaly/efp/gamma/misery etc. because those may as well be different games entirely and half the people recommending them haven't played the original games anyway

2 months ago

@curse Thanks for the advice! Couldn't have put it better myself.